
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Carbonic Acid
    • Cyclopropane
    • Tissue Engineering
    • Cells
    • Smooth Muscle Cell
    • Vascular Tissue
  • Engineering

    • Scaffold
  • Material Science

    • Composite Material




Enzymatic post-crosslinking of printed hydrogels of methacrylated gelatin and tyramine-conjugated 8-arm poly(ethylene glycol) to prepare interpenetrating 3D network structures (2023)International Journal of Bioprinting, 9(5). Liang, J., Wang, Z., Poot, A. A., Grijpma, D. W., Dijkstra, P. J. & Wang, R. the Formation of Hybrid Networks Based on Poly(trimethylene carbonate) and Collagen (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine 2023. Macarez, A.-C., van Bochove, B., Ankoné, M. J. K., Poot, A. A. & Grijpma, D. W.Porous Hybrid Networks based on Poly(trimethylene carbonate) and Collagen (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine 2023. van Bochove, B., Kristen, M., Ankoné, M. J. K., Bayon, Y., Grijpma, D. W. & Poot, A. A.


Hybrid Networks of Hyaluronic Acid and Poly(trimethylene carbonate) for Tissue Regeneration (2022)Biomacromolecules, 24(10), 4366–4374. Gielen, A. M. C., Ankone, M., Grijpma, D. W. & Poot, A. A. Lung-on-Chip Model Based on Biomimetically Microcurved Culture Membranes (2022)ACS biomaterials science & engineering, 8(6), 2684-2699. Baptista, D., Moreira Teixeira, L., Barata, D., Tahmasebi Birgani, Z., King, J., van Riet, S., Pasman, T., Poot, A. A., Stamatialis, D., Rottier, R. J., Hiemstra, P. S., Carlier, A., van Blitterswijk, C., Habibović, P., Giselbrecht, S. & Truckenmüller, R. Hydrogels Based on Methacrylate-Functionalized Gelatin (GelMA) and Synthetic Polymers (2022)Biomedical Materials & Devices. Liang, J., Dijkstra, P. J., Poot, A. A. & Grijpma, D. W. vitro and in vivo degradation of photo-crosslinked poly(trimethylene carbonate-co-ɛ-caprolactone) networks (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine, AFPM 2022. van Bochove, B., Rongen, J. J., Hannink, G. J., Buma, P., Poot, A. A. & Grijpma, D. W.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024


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