
  • Computer Science

    • Multi Agent Systems
    • Synchronization
    • Design
    • discrete-time
    • Output Synchronization
    • Communication Delay
    • Communication Network
  • Engineering

    • Agent System



  • Washington State UniversiryAdjunct professor


Stochastic String Stability of Vehicle Platoons via Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control With Lossy Communication, 10912-10922. Acciani, F., Frasca, P., Heijenk, G. & Stoorvogel, A. A. collaborative protocol design for state synchronization of multi-agent systems in presence of unknown nonuniform and arbitrarily large communication delays, Article 100660. Liu, Z., Nojavanzadeh, D., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. over unreliable networks: Consensus and platooning. University of Twente. Acciani, F. collaborative protocols for global regulated state synchronization of discrete-time homogeneous networks of non-introspective agents in presence of input saturation, 5247-5267. Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. Collaborative Protocol Design for Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Nonuniform Communication Delays, 2882 - 2894. Liu, Z., Nojavanzadeh, D., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. Cooperative Control of Inverter-Based Microgrids With General Time-Varying Communication Graphs, 2197-2207. Nojavanzadeh, D., Lotfifard, S., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. Cooperative Voltage Control of Multiterminal High-Voltage DC Systems, 176-184. Lotfifard, S., Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. of Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Disturbances and Delays. Birkhäuser. Saberi, A. A., Stoorvogel, A. A., Zhang, M. & Sannuti, P. global state synchronization of discrete-time double integrator multi-agent systems with input saturation via linear protocolIn Proceedings of the 41st Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2022 (pp. 5020-5025). IEEE. Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A.
H ∞ and H 2 almost output and regulated output synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems: A scale-free protocol design, 9841 - 9866. Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. State Synchronization of Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems in Presence of Nonuniform Communication DelaysIn 2021 33rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC) (pp. 5602-5607). IEEE. Liu, Z., Nojavanzadeh, D., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. State Synchronization of Homogeneous Multi-agent Systems-A Scale-free DesignIn Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021 (pp. 5111-5116). IEEE. Liu, Z., Saberi, A., Stoorvogel, A. A. & Nojavanzadeh, D. Design for Delayed Regulated Synchronization of Discrete-time Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems subject to Unknown Non-uniform and Arbitrarily Large Communication DelaysIn Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021 (pp. 4804-4809). IEEE. Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. Protocol Design for HAlmost Output and Regulated Output Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multi-agent SystemsIn Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2021 (pp. 5056-5061). IEEE. Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. protocol design for delayed regulated synchronization of multi-agent systems subject to unknown, nonuniform, and arbitrarily large communication delays, 6369-6391. Nojavanzadeh, D., Liu, Z., Saberi, A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. protocol design for regulated state synchronization of homogeneous multi-agent systems with unknown and non-uniform input delays, Article 104927. Liu, Z., Nojavanzadeh, D., Saberi, D., Saberi, A. A. & Stoorvogel, A. A. collaborative protocol design for state and regulated state synchronization of multi-agent systems with arbitrary fast convergence, 4864-4882. Liu, Z., Saberi, A. A., Stoorvogel, A. A. & Nojavanzadeh, D. State Synchronization for Multi-Agent Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation and Unknown Nonuniform Input Delay, Article 9288764, 488-497. Zhang, M., Saberi, A. A. & Stoorvogel, A. A.



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