
  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences

    • Coffee
    • Coffea Arabica
    • Crops
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Climate Change
    • Datum
    • Leaf
    • Zimbabwe
    • Model



Mapping off-road tracks and animal paths in protected areas using high-resolution GeoEye-1 panchromatic satellite imagery, 5425–5442 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Chemura, A., Lu, S., Skidmore, A. K., Duporge, I., Lee, S., Yu, Z., Ngene, S. & Wang, T. potential of agroforestry to buffer climate change impacts on suitability of coffee and banana in Uganda. Abigaba, D., Chemura, A., Gornott, C. & Schauberger , B. need for evidence-based climate risk and adaptation assessments: Lessons learned from the AGRICA project, Article 062001. Murken, L., Tomalka, J., Abigaba, D., Amoah, A.-B., Amougou, J. a., Anaba, M., Arumugam, P., Awori, E., Baek, H.-R. l., Below, T., Cartsburg, M., Chemura, A., Cronauer, C., Didovets, I., Worku, A., Gleixner, S., Gloy, N., Grams, E., Habtemariam, L., … Gornott, C. of modelling tools to assess climate change impacts on smallholder oil seed yields in South Africa, Article e0301254. Kephe, P. N., Mkuhlani, S., Rusere, F. & Chemura, A. and temporal distribution of optimal maize sowing dates in Nigeria, Article e0300427, e0300427. Mkuhlani, S., Bendito, E. G., Tofa, A. I., Aliyu, K. T., Shehu, B. M., Kreye, C. & Chemura, A. of the suitability of major food crops in Africa under climate change, Article 294. Chemura, A., Gleixner, S. & Gornott, C. Impacts of Soil Acidification and Climate Change on Future Crop Suitability in Ethiopia, Article 1468, 1-17. Jimma, T. B., Chemura, A., Spillane, C., Demissie, T., Abera, W., Ture, K., Terefe, T., Solomon, D. & Gleixner, S. two-decade analysis of the spatial and temporal variations in burned areas across Zimbabwe, e0000201. Shekede, M. d., Kusangaya, S., Chavava, C. b., Gwitira, I. & Chemura, A.
Factors affecting soil quality among smallholder macadamia farms in Malawi, Article 17. Zuza, E. J., Maseyk, K., Bhagwat, S. A., Chemura, A., Brandenburg, R. L., Emmott, A., Rawes, W., Hancock, W., Mnthambala, F. & Araya, Y. N. change impacts and adaptation strategies: An assessment on sorghum for Burkina Faso, Article 126655. Arumugam, P., Chemura, A., Aschenbrenner, P., Schauberger, B. & Gornott, C.


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