- Procedure
- Water Type
- Distillation
- Carbon Dioxide
Chemical Engineering
- Water
- Supercritical
- Desalination
- Acid
BioLOGIC Process: Design of a medium-scale CO2 to methanol unit (2024)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Valencia Martin, M.Thermodynamics and physical properties of an ionic liquid-based metal extraction process (2024)Journal of Ionic Liquids, 4(1). Article 100097. Othman, E. A., van der Ham, A. G. J., Miedema, H. & Kersten, S. R. A. organic hydrogen carriers: Process design and economic analysis for manufacturing N-ethylcarbazole (2024)Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 6(2). Article e10173. Uijthof, E. M. T., Chavan, B. S., Sluijer, M. J., Komath, V. C., van der Ham, A. G. J., van den Berg, H., Lange, J. P., Higler, A. & Wijnans, S.
Economic comparison of reactive distillation (RD) to a benchmark conventional flowsheet: Regions of RD applicability and trends in column design (2023)Chemical engineering research and design (Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, part A), 200, 521-537. Noll, L. J., van der Ham, A. G. J., Oudenhoven, S. R. G., ten Kate, A. J. B., Bargeman, G. & Kersten, S. R. A. and feasibility of E-nergEYEze: a blended vision-specific E-health based cognitive behavioral therapy and self-management intervention to reduce fatigue in adults with visual impairment (2023)BMC health services research, 23(1). Article 1271. Veldman, M. H. J., van der Aa, H. P. A., Knoop, H., Bode, C., Hulshof, C. T. J., van der Ham, L., van Rens, G. H. M. B., Heymans, M. W. & van Nispen, R. M. A. analysis of an ionic liquid-based metal extraction process using a single droplet extraction column (2023)Journal of Ionic Liquids, 3(1). Article 100053. Othman, E. A., van der Ham, A. G. J., Miedema, H. & Kersten, S. R. A. thermodynamic-based mixed-integer linear model of post-combustion carbon capture for reliable use in energy system optimisation (2023)Applied energy, 336. Article 120738. Weimann, L., Dubbink, G., van der Ham, L. & Gazzani, M. of the Equilibrium Stage Model to Include Rigorous Liquid Holdup Calculations for Reactive Distillation (2023)Processes, 11(4). Article 1131. Noll, L., van der Ham, L., Oudenhoven, S., ten Kate, A., Bargeman, G. & Kersten, S.
Exploration of CO2 capture from blast furnace gas using (semi)clathrates (2022)Chemical engineering research and design (Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, part A), 187, 240-250. de Bruijn, J., Essink, M. A. J., Wolbers, J. H. T., Ruitenbeek, M., van den Berg, H. & van der Ham, A. G. J. water desalination (SCWD) of multi-component brines (2022)Journal of supercritical fluids, 188. Article 105687. van Wyk, S., van der Ham, A. G. J. & Kersten, S. R. A.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 195799152 - Internship
- 201200240 - CS SPT
- 201300045 - Process Plant Design
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201300155 - Process Equipment design
- 201600420 - Individual Assignment incl. Design
- 201700175 - Internship & Job Orientation Project CSE
- 201800102 - Basics for Process Simulation
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900269 - Sustainable chemicals
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202000747 - Project Process Design
- 202001514 - Sustainable chemicals for CSE students
- 202100103 - Sustainable Fuels – online
- 202100106 - Process Engineering
- 202100232 - Sustainable Fuels for CSE students
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
- 202400547 - Electrification of Chemical Process Ind.
- 202400653 - Exergy Analysis
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 195799152 - Internship
- 201200240 - C.S. SPT
- 201300045 - Process Plant Design
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201300155 - Process Equipment design
- 201600420 - Individual Assignment incl. Design
- 201700175 - Internship & Job Orientation Project CSE
- 201800102 - Basics for Process Simulation
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900269 - Sustainable chemicals
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202000747 - Project Process Design
- 202001514 - Sustainable chemicals for CSE students
- 202001528 - Master Thesis DD Parma
- 202100103 - Sustainable Fuels – online
- 202100106 - Process Engineering
- 202100232 - Sustainable Fuels for CSE students
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE

Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer ME218
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex ME218
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede