Sinds mijn afstuderen ben ik actief geweest met de numerieke modellering van het mechanisch gedrag van constructies en productieprocessen. Dit onderzoeksgebied is een combinatie van (numerieke) mechanica, materiaalkunde, productietechniek en numerieke wiskunde.

Vanaf 2011 leid ik de groep "Nonlinear Solid Mechanics", waarin in sinds 2015 hoogleraar ben. De sterkte van deze groep is de simulatie en optimalisatie van omvormprocessen.

Momenteel ben ik:

Zie voor overige zaken de Engelstalige site.


  • Material Science

    • Material
    • Strain
    • Friction
    • Spring Steel
    • Temperature
    • Bending
  • Engineering

    • Models
    • Metal Forming


Zie  de Engelstalige site.


Local model order reduction to accelerate additive manufacturing simulations (Submitted). Nijhuis, B., Havinga, J., Geijselaers, B. & van den Boogaard, T.Capturing Local Temperature Evolution During Additive Manufacturing Through Fourier Neural OperatorIn 43rd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Article DETC2023-117055. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Chen, J., Xu, W., Baldwin, M., Nijhuis, B., van den Boogaard, T., Gutiérrez, N. G., Narra, S. P. & McComb, C. of a new process route for closed die forging and subsequent energy-neutral heat treatment. University of Twente. Demirkol, Y.Computing Sheet Rolling Instabilities with a Shell Finite Element ModelIn Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity - Current Trends in the Technology of Plasticity - ICTP 2023 - Volume 2 (pp. 541-552). Springer (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Cometa, A., Geijselaers, H. J. M., Havinga, J. & van den Boogaard, A. H. and growth of edge cracks after shear cutting of dual-phase steel, 2327-2341. Khalilabad, M. M., Perdahcıoğlu, S., Atzema, E. & Boogaard, T. v. d. Thermomechanical Modelling of Large-Scale Metal Additive Manufacturing. University of Twente. Nijhuis, B. hardening of low carbon steel in sheet metal forming. University of Twente. Mulder, H. and numerical study of pinching phenomena in sheet metal rolling processes. University of Twente. Cometa, A. of yield point phenomenon in bake-hardening grade steelIn Material Forming - The 26th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming – ESAFORM 2023 (pp. 1511-1520). Association of American Publishers. Deshmane, N. S., Perdahcioglu, S. E. & van den Boogaard, T. effect of heating stage parameters on AlSi coating microstructure and fracture at high temperatures, Article 143812. Zaman, S. B., Hazrati, J., de Rooij, M. B. & van den Boogaard, T. In-Plane Bending Test to Characterize Edge Ductility in High-Strength Steels, 1892-1904. Khalilabad, M. M., Perdahcıoğlu, E. S., Atzema, E. H. & van den Boogaard, A. H. of 2D and 3D crystal plasticity models subjected to plane strain condition, Article 104047. Mirhosseini, S., Perdahcıoğlu, E. S., Atzema, E. H. & van den Boogaard, A. H. homogenization in the determination of effective intrinsic magnetic properties of composites, Article 106188. Soyarslan, C., Havinga, J., Abelmann, L. & van den Boogaard, T. of texture-induced plastic anisotropy in AA6014-T4 aluminium sheets utilising two different crystal plasticity-based constitutive models. IOP Science. Wessel, A., Perdahcioglu, E., Butz, A., van den Boogaard, T. & Volk, W.
Accounting for non-normal distribution of input variables and their correlations in robust optimization, 1803-1829. Nejadseyfi, O., Geijselaers, H. J. M., Atzema, E. H., Abspoel, M. & van den Boogaard, A. H. friction model for Aluminum sheet metal forming. Jalalimoghadas, F., Hazrati, J., van den Boogaard, T. & de Rooij, M. B.A data-driven model updating approach for robust optimization of (multi-stage) production processes. Munzone, F., Hazrati, J., Hakvoort, W. & van den Boogaard, T.Modelling the Battery-can manufacturing process for cylindrical batteries. Rathore, S., Atzema, E. H. & van den Boogaard, T.Surrogate modelling and robust optimization of multi-stage metal forming processes. University of Twente. de Gooijer, B. M. study on the mechanism of pinching in cold-rolling processes, Article 2100812. Cometa, A., Geijselaers, H. J. M., van den Boogaard, A. H., Wentink, D. J., Hol, C. W. J. & Jacobs, L. J. M. Galerkin FEM with Hot Element Addition for the Thermal Simulation of Additive Manufacturing, 297-304. Nijhuis, B., Geijselaers, B., Havinga, J. & Boogaard, T. v. d. of the Effective Magnetic Properties of Two-Phase SteelsIn Achievements and Trends in Material Forming- Peer-reviewed extended papers selected from the 25th International Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM 2022 (pp. 2040-2049). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. Soyarslan, C., Havinga, J., Abelmann, L. & van den Boogaard, T.



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