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A gathering storm: offensive and defensive accelerationism in an online far-right community (2024)Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Hardy, J. & Henschke, A. and machine learning-based artificial intelligence: Philosophical, legal, and technical investigations (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Asgarinia, H. Independence: The Ethics of Trustworthy Intelligence Institutions (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 163-184). Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A. Practices, Disruptive Technologies, and the Evolution of Intelligence Institutions (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 185-204). Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A., Walsh, P. F. & Bradbury, R. Intelligence Ethics: The Case for a Just Intelligence Theory (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 1-30). Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A. & Walsh, P. F. Just Intelligence Operations: Exceptions and Explanations (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 51-71). Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A. as Digital Sovereignty: Rethinking Privacy for International Intelligence (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 145-162). Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A. Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (2024)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Taylor & Francis. Henschke, A., Miller, S., Alexandra, A., Walsh, P. F. & Bradbury, R. Future of Intelligence Practice: Concluding Lessons for Just Intelligence Institutions (2024)In The Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions: Theory and Applications (pp. 205-232). Taylor & Francis. Walsh, P. F. & Henschke, A.


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