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Material Science
- Thin Films
- Oxide
- Piezoelectricity
- Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Ferroelectric Material
- Film
- Liquid Film
- Substrates
Cu-based transparent conductive materials with enhanced conductivity (2025)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mirza, A. S.
Breakdown strength and energy storage properties of epitaxial lead-based relaxor-ferroelectric films over a wide range of film thickness (2024)Ceramics international, 50(24, Part B), 54529-54535. Nguyen, M. D., Vu, H. N. & Rijnders, G. oxide superlattices with efficient electron doping induced by interfacial charge transfer (2024)Physical review applied, 22(5). Article 054004. Qiu, X., Zhang, Y., Gauquelin, N., Jannis, D., Verbeeck, J., Freese, J., Green, R. J., Piamonteze, C., Xu, Y., Deng, X., Tong, W., Zhong, N., Xiang, P., Rijnders, G., Koster, G. & Chen, B. Epitaxial Halide Perovskites by Pulsed Laser Deposition (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Day 2024. Solomon Sathiaraj, J. S. S., Soto Montero, T., Birkholzer, Y. A., M. Cunha, D., Soltanpoor, W., Kliner, V., Ledinský, M., Orlov, N., Garnett, E. C., Haward, T. B., Lilly, J. R. A., Herz, L. M., Koster, G., Rijnders, A. J. H. M., Leppert, L. & Morales Masis, M.ScAlN thin films for PiezoMEMS devices: an alternative for perovskite piezoelectric materials (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Day 2024. Nguyen, D. M., Nickel, T., Sangchap, M., Hasan, M. M., Koster, G. & Rijnders, A. J. H. M.Thin film materials for Photonic Integrated Circuits (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Day 2024. Coolman, T., Shanker, O., Eyni Chenar, R., van Slooten, J. I., Nguyen, D. M., Koster, G. & Rijnders, A. J. H. M.Synthesis of rhombohedral Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 and analysis by X-ray diffraction through dynamical diffraction simulations (2024)Materials Advances, 5(18), 7342-7348. de Hond, K., Rijnders, G. & Koster, G. Piezoelectricity by Polarization Rotation through Thermal Strain Manipulation in PbZr0.6Ti0.4O3 Thin Films (2024)Advanced materials interfaces, 11(19). Article 2400048. Huang, S., Houwman, E., Gauquelin, N., Orekhov, A., Chezganov, D., Verbeeck, J., Hu, S., Zhong, G., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. Design Rules for Multilayer Ferroelectric Energy Storage Capacitors – A Study Based on Lead-Free and Relaxor-Ferroelectric/Paraelectric Multilayer Devices (2024)Advanced materials, 36(26). Article 2402070. Nguyen, M. D., Houwman, E. P., Birkhölzer, Y. A., Vu, H. N., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. the effect of the Schottky barrier on the energy storage performance of ferroelectric multilayers (2024)Journal of alloys and compounds, 981. Article 173758. Sun, Z., Houwman, E. P., Wang, S., Nguyen, M. D., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G.
Overige bijdragen
Begeleiding van PhD-studenten
- Werner Wessels (2016): Growth monitoring during pulsed laser deposition of oxides using atomic force microscopy
- Anirban Ghosh (2016): Engineering Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics
- Jeroen Blok (2015): Experimental design of oxide materials
- Maarten Nijland (2014): Anisotropy in Patterned Perovskite Oxides
- Nirupam Banerjee (2014): Epitaxial Perovskite Oxide Devices Fabricated by Lift-off Technology
- Peter Brinks (2014): Size effects in thermoelectric cobaltate heterostructures
- Brian Smith (2014): Ferroelectrics from the bottom up: Investigation of nanoscale boundary conditions in ferroelectric thin films using novel bottom up growth techniques
- Bouwe Kuiper (2014): Size effects in epitaxial oxide thin films
- Wan, X. (2013): Tailored piezoelectric thin films for energy harvester
- Steenwelle, R.J.A. (2012): Strain and composition effects in epitaxial PZT thin films
- Kleibeuker, J.E. (2012): Reconstructions at complex oxide interfaces
- Veen, P.J. de (2011): Interface Engineering for Organic Electronics; Manufacturing of Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Molecular Crystal Devices
- Boschker, J.A. (2011): Perovskite oxide heteroepitaxy; strain and interface engineering
- Mikkenie, R. (2011): Materials Development for Commercial Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
- Yildirim, O. (2010): Self-Assembled Monolayers on Metal Oxides: Applications in Nanotechnology
- Nguyen, D.M. (2010): Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of epitaxial PZT films and devices on silicon.
- Hassink, G.W.J. (2009): Two-dimensional electron layers in perovskite oxides.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 193599010 - Internship
- 193599039 - Master Thesis: Physics Aspects
- 193599089 - Master Thesis: General Aspects
- 193700040 - Inorganic Materials Science
- 193770000 - CS Inorganic Materials Science
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201700185 - Internship
- 201800344 - Master's Assignment: Physics Aspects
- 201800345 - Master's Assignment: General Aspects
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900251 - MSc Assignment: General Aspects AM-AP
- 201900252 - MSc Assignment: Scientific Aspects AM-AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 201900318 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: General Aspects
- 201900319 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: Scientific Asp.
- 202000716 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001433 - Bacheloropdracht AM-TN
- 202200258 - Double Master Thesis: NT-AP
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 193599010 - Internship
- 193599039 - Master Thesis: Physics Aspects
- 193599089 - Master Thesis: General Aspects
- 193700040 - AMM- Inorganic Materials Science
- 193770000 - C.S. Inorganic Materials Science
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201700185 - Internship
- 201800344 - Master's Assignment: Physics Aspects
- 201800345 - Master's Assignment: General Aspects
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900251 - MSc Assignment: General Aspects AM-AP
- 201900252 - MSc Assignment: Scientific Aspects AM-AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 201900318 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: General Aspects
- 201900319 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: Scientific Asp.
- 202000716 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001528 - Master Thesis DD Parma
- 202200258 - Double Master Thesis: NT-AP
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE

Universiteit Twente
Carré (gebouwnr. 15), kamer C3243
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede

Universiteit Twente
Nanolab (gebouwnr. 16), kamer 2001
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Carré C3243
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede