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I am a Programme Director of the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Energy & Process Technology and an associate professor in the Department of Thermal and Fluid Engineering. I am responsible for the research line on Energy Efficient Processes, focusing on multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral investigations toward the optimized use of renewable energy.Ā  I received my Ph.D. in December 2010 at the University of Twente on the work ā€œVibro-acoustical instabilities induced by combustion dynamics in gas turbine combustorsā€.


  • Engineering

    • Combustion
    • Models
    • Combustor
    • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Chemistry

    • Procedure
    • Hydrothermal Carbonization
    • Spraying Apparatus
  • Physics

    • Model


I am involved in the research on the intensification of thermal processes via development of energy efficient novel power systems, engines, reactors and processes. The main focus is placed on multicomponent and multiphase flows, liquid atomization, droplets evaporation and drying, combustion, supercritical fluids, heat transfer and fluid dynamics. Renewable processes and transition to the future technologies are of prime interest.Ā 


Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021


Combustion dynamics of turbulent premixed combustors at elevated pressure (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kapucu, M. Design Parameter Change of a Pressurized Combustor Leading to Limit Cycle Oscillations (2024)Energies, 17(8). Article 1885. Kapucu, M., Kok, J. B. W. & Pozarlik, A. K. Investigation of Thermoacoustics and High-Frequency Combustion Dynamics with Band Stop Characteristics in a Pressurized Combustor (2024)Energies, 17(7). Article 1680. Kapucu, M., Kok, J. B. W. & Pozarlik, A. K. OF HIGH-PRESSURE COMBUSTOR TO ACHIEVE LIMIT CYCLE OSCILLATIONS (2024)In Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2024 (Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration). Romanian Society of Acoustics. Kapucu, M., Kok, J. & Pozarlik, A.


Recovery of chemical energy from retentates from cascade membrane filtration of hydrothermal carbonisation effluent (2023)Energy Journal, 284. Article 128524. Urbanowska, A., Niedzwiecki, Ł., Wnukowski, M., Aragón-Briceño, C. I., Kabsch-Korbutowicz, M., Baranowski, M., Czerep, M., Seruga, P., Pawlak-Kruczek, H., Bramer, E., Brem, G. & Pozarlik, A. K. the fast pyrolysis of torrefied woody biomass (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Louwes, A. C. Optimization of Radial Multi-Zone Dryer (RMD) (2023)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Ramanathan, S.Hydrothermal Carbonisation as Treatment for Effective Moisture Removal from Digestateā€”Mechanical Dewatering, Flashing-Off, and Condensatesā€™ Processing (2023)Energies, 16(13). Article 5102. Pawlak-Kruczek, H., Urbanowska, A., Niedzwiecki, Ł., Czerep, M., Baranowski, M., Aragón-Briceño, C. I., Kabsch-Korbutowicz, M., Arora, A., Seruga, P., Wnukowski, M., Mularski, J., Bramer, E., Brem, G. & Pozarlik, A. K. of Hydrothermal Carbonization on Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Agricultural Biomass (2023)Applied Sciences, 13(7). Article 4190. Niedzwiecki, L. K., Moscicki, K., Bijl, A., Owczarek, P., Arora, A., Wnukowski, M., Aragón-Briceño, C. I., Vishwajeet, Pawlak-Kruczek, H., Bramer, E., Brem, G. & Pozarlik, A. K. charged water sprays through simulation and experiments (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Brentjes, A.


Optimizing the design and process conditions for meat chilling with electrostatically charged sprays (2022)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Venkatesh, V.Towards a multizone vortex dryer for dairy sprays (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Jamil Ur Rahman, U. Problems in Combustionā€”Fuels, Their Valorisation, Emissions, Flexibility and Auxiliary Systems (2022)Energies, 15(5). Article 1646. Ochodek, T., Karampinis, E. & Pozarlik, A. K. analysis of spray drying in a process intensified counter flow dryer (2022)Drying Technology, 40(15), 3128-3148. Jamil Ur Rahman, U., Pozarlik, A. K. & Brem, G. of hydrothermal carbonization treatment for water and energy recovery from organic fraction of municipal solid waste digestate (2022)Renewable energy, 184, 577-591. Aragón-Briceño, C. I., Pozarlik, A. K., Bramer, E., Brem, G., Wang, S., Wen, Y., Yang, W., Pawlak-Kruczek, H., Niedzwiecki, L. K., Urbanowska, A., Mościcki, K. & Płoszczyca, M. characteristics of an air-assisted electrostatic atomiser (2022)Journal of electrostatics, 115. Article 103654. Brentjes, A., Jansen, B. & Pozarlik, A. K.


Improved CFD Predictions of Pyrolysis Oil Combustion Using Advanced Spray Measurements and Numerical Models (2021)In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition: Vol. 6: Ceramics and Ceramic Composites; Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels; Microturbines, Turbochargers, and Small Turbomachines (pp. V006T03A006). Article GT2021-59206 (Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air; Vol. 6). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. van Beurden, E., Pozarlik, A. K., Putra, B. A., Brem, G., Bouten, T. W. F. M., Withag, J. & Axelsson, L.-U. analysis of hydrochars obtained by anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste organic fraction (2021)Renewable energy, 175, 108-118. Magdziarz, A., Mlonka-Mędrala, A., Sieradzka, M., Aragon-Briceño, C., Pożarlik, A., Bramer, E. A., Brem, G., Niedzwiecki, Ł. & Pawlak-Kruczek, H. Study and Experimental Validation of Skim Milk Drying in a Process Intensified Counter Flow Spray Dryer (2021)Energies, 14(16). Article 4974. Jamil Ur Rahman, U. & Pozarlik, A. K. Membrane System for Separation of Water and Organics from Liquid By-Products of HTC of the Agricultural Digestateā€”Evaluation of Performance (2021)Energies, 14(16). Article 4752. Urbanowska, A., Kabsch-Korbutowicz, M., Aragon-Briceño, C., Wnukowski, M., Pożarlik, A., Niedzwiecki, Ł., Baranowski, M., Czerep, M., Seruga, P., Pawlak-Kruczek, H., Bramer, E. & Brem, G. droplet charge in numerical simulations of charged sprays (2021)Journal of electrostatics, 112. Article 103591. Brentjes, A., Pozarlik, A. K. & Brem, G. carbonization of wet biomass from nitrogen and phosphorus approach: A review (2021)Renewable energy, 171, 401-415. Aragón-Briceño, C. I., Pozarlik, A. K., Bramer, E. A., Niedzwiecki, L., Pawlak-Kruczek, H. & Brem, G. Study toward Optimization of Spray Drying in a Novel Radial Multizone Dryer (2021)Energies, 14(5). Article 1233. Jamil Ur Rahman, U., Pozarlik, A. K., Tourneur, T., de Broqueville, A., De Wilde, J. & Brem, G.


I am teaching in the bachelor and master phase of the Mechanical Engineering and in the master phase of the Sustainable Energy TechnologyĀ 

Verbonden aan opleidingen

Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

I am involved in various national and international projects in the fields of: combustion, drying, atomization, evaporation, renewable fuels, pyrolysis oil, biogas production, fluid-structure interaction, etc.

Below projects from the last 5 years:

Lopende projecten


Aim of the project is to translate the concept of a vortex chamber spray dryer into a well-engineered unit that is ready for further scale-up and demonstration, including validation of energy saving potential, proof of low investment costs and of improved product properties.


Sustainable technology for the staged recovery of an agricultural water from high moisture fermentation products

Sustainable development goals demand highest possible sustainability of the human activities. RECOWATDIG addresses this by research and development, aimed at obtaining a technical design of an installation for the staged recovery of currently neglected, agricultural water from drying of high moisture solid fermentation products. A high synergy is obtained by integration of water recovery, drying, hydrothermal carbonization and water purification with optimized use of the electricity and water storage, making the proposed technology 'smart grid ready'


Enhanced catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass for maximum production of high quality biofuels

The Enhanced Catalytic Pyrolysis (EnCat) project presents and investigates a new concept for the production of high-quality bio-oil and a high yield. Because of a novel biomass pre-treatment step to be developed the concept is suitable for both woody biomass and biomass residues from agriculture, etc. The pretreated biomass will be pyrolysed in a reactor making use of deoxygenation catalysts. Simultaneously, CO2 will be captured with sorbents and via the water-gas-shift reaction in-situ hydrogen will be produced. After cleaning, the oil vapours will be mildly hydrogenated to produce a high-quality bio-oil. The high-quality oil will be used for combustion tests in both a diesel engine and a gas turbine for combined power and heat generation. Parallel to this, the bio-oil will be further upgraded by a new method of downstream hydrogenation under high pressure for production of high-grade transportation fuels.

Green Biogas DMM

Delen Maakt Meer

Intensification of the biogas production from the anaerobic digestion process by optimizing turbulence and mixing levels between various organic compounds and bacteria inside a new design of the digester


The smart way of cooling in meat industry

The research aims on the development and understanding of novel meat cooling techniques with application of electrostatic sprays.

Voltooide projecten

Vortex Chamber II

Vortex Chamber Spray Dryer

Aim of the project is to translate the concept of a vortex chamber spray dryer into a well-engineered unit that is ready for further scale-up and demonstration, including validation of energy saving potential, proof of low investment costs and of improved product properties


Pyrolysis oil combustion in gas turbine

The challenge of the project was to develop a new generation of gas turbines that is capable to handle bio-oils generated via flash pyrolysis of biomass. New and advanced design tools and techniques were required to realize efficient and clean combustion of bio-oil. During the project a state-of-the-art atomization test rig to investigate fuel droplet size and distribution in the near-field was designed and constructed. Numerical models of pyrolysis oil combustion were developed and validated with experiments performed at OPRA Turbines

Groen Gas

The objective of the research was to develop a novel digestion installation for biogas production. The biogas yield depends substantially on the substrates composition, sludge loading rate and control over the organic matter break down. A good mixing between substrates (wet manure, organic material, biogas bubbles, solids and bacteria) must be achieved to increase the speed and level of biomass conversion process. This was investigated by application of the CFD numerical tools (Ansys-Fluent). The numerical study were focused on the sludge mixing process taking into account various operating conditions, different digester geometrical configurations, number and rotational speed of impellers. Optimized mixing performance and maximized biogas production were desired. The CFD computations were validated with literature data.

Vortex Chamber I

The challenge was to validate concept of novel spray drier. During the project experimental and numerical research were performed.


This project concerned the extension of the application of High Temperature Air Combustion (HiTAC) to heavy-oil combustion processes in a boiler. To generate the knowledge needed to be able to develop and design such a boiler, experimental and computational investigations were made of turbulent spray flames under HiTAC conditions.An experimental study of spray flames of light fuel oil burning in a co-flow of hot air diluted with combustion products provided detailed knowledge of the relations between atomization process, ignition, entrainment and burnout. A spray combustion model for the HiTAC regime was developed for heavy fuel combustion, including the prediction of emissions under HiTAC conditions (NOx, CO and soot). This provided a tool to assist in burner and boiler development. The spray model was embedded in the commercial CFD code ANSYS-Fluent and used in combination with appropriated models for turbulence, soot formation and radiative heat transfer. This tool was used to support the preparation of a HiTAC boiler field test. This field test were done at 9 MW scale by Stork Thermeq, using heavy oil characterized and delivered by Shell


This project develops a zero neutral energy sewage treatment plant (STP) using Super Critical Aqueous Reforming (SCAR) of sewage sludge at 600Ā°C and 300 bar including tail water, mineral and nutrient recycling.


Numerical investigation of multicomponent fuel combustion

The challenge of this project is to use computer simulations for modeling multi-component, multi-phase and multi-scale fuel combustion and understand the processes and phenomena which droplets undergo in a reacting flow. To promote the application of renewable fuels in power and transportation sector, a pyrolysis oil is investigated.

Biomass gasification

The goal of this project is production of the renewable electricity and heat by a development of an economically attractive gasification and combustion technology in a grate furnace that can utilize the full potential of the biomass waste stream. This technique should be able to realize low temperatures in the gasification zone by recirculation of flue gas under the grate and separation after combustion zone.

Optimized SNG

The main goal of this project was to design an optimum system for the production of synthetic natural gas from biomass. In addition, a preliminary design for the production of by-products such as char and power have been developed.

In de pers

1) My interview for Gas to Power Journal titled:Ā Thermo-acoustic instability modelling boost turbine lifetimes, April 14, 2014, you can find here:

2) Interview of my PhD student Joost Sallevelt titled:Ā Liquid biofuels could power future gas turbines, May 27, 2014, in the same journal you can find here:


Universiteit Twente

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