Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Asphalt
Social Sciences
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Economics, Econometrics and Finance
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The slow implementation of sustainable innovations in the asphalt paving sector: the role of actors and their interactions (2024)Construction management and economics, 42(10), 902-925. Ruiz, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Santos, J., Volker, L. & Doree, A. van de duurzame impact strategie INFRA (2024)[Book/Report › Report]. Nijenrode University Press. Nijhof, A., Sanders, M. & Ruiz, A. Innovation Processes in the Asphalt Paving Sector: Analysis of Actors, Interactions, and Institutions (2024)In 2024 Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting. Transportation Research Board (TRB). Ruiz, A., Santos, J., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Volker, L. & Dorée, A.
Sustainable innovation processes in the asphalt paving sector: A system innovation approach (2023)In ARCOM Thirty-Ninth Annual Conference 2023: September 4-6: Proceedings (pp. 780-789). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). Ruiz, A., Vinke - de Kruijf, J., Santos, J., Volker, L. & Doreé, A.
Dynamic evaluation of thermal comfort scenarios in a Colombian large-scale social housing project (2022)Engineering construction and architectural management, 29(5), 1909-1930. Garay, A., Ruiz, A. & Guevara, J. Factors Influencing Early Contract Termination in Public Design–Build Projects in Developing and Emerging Economies (2022)Buildings, 12(5). Article 614. Riveros, C., Ruiz, A. L., Mesa, H. A. & Guevara, J. A.
Energy Efficiency Strategies in the Social Housing Sector: Dynamic Considerations and Policies (2021)Journal of management in engineering, 37(4). Article 04021040. Ruiz, A. & Guevara, J.
Adoption Dynamics of Carbon Abatement Strategies in the Colombian Office Building Sector (2020)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Construction Research Congress 2020: Infrastructure Systems and Sustainability. Ruiz, A. & Guevara, J. and Economic Impacts of Road Infrastructure Development: Dynamic Considerations and Policies (2020)Journal of management in engineering, 36(3). Article 04020006. Ruiz, A. & Guevara, J.
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7522 LW Enschede
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7500 AE Enschede