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Uncertainty in individual risk judgments associates with vulnerability and curtailed climate adaptation (2023)Journal of environmental management, 325(Part A). Article 116462. Noll, B., Filatova, T., Need, A. & de Vries, P. W.
One and done? Exploring linkages between households' intended adaptations to climate-induced floods (2022)Risk analysis, 42(12), 2781-2799. Noll, B., Filatova, T. & Need, A."I am telling you this for I have seen it": The Sayfo diasporic politics of memory and the genocide recognition struggle of the Aramean, Assyrian, and Chaldean migrant communities in Western Europe (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mutlu-Numansen, S."Mo" Together or Alone?: Investigating the Role of Fundraisers' Networks in Online Peer-to-Peer Fundraising (2022)Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly, 51(5), 986-1009. Priante, A., Ehrenhard, M. L., van den Broek, T., Need, A. & Hiemstra, D. in higher education: Individual, organisational and societal outcomes of excellence education in the Netherlands (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kolster, R. cross-national patterns in household climate change adaptation (2022)Nature climate change, 12(1), 30-35. Noll, B., Filatova, T., Need, A. & Taberna, A.
Smart Fishery: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda for Sustainable Fisheries in the Age of AI (2021)Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(11). Article 6037. Honarmand Ebrahimi, S., Ossewaarde, R. & Need, A.“I Should Get Married as Soon as Possible, but the Relationships I Start Do Not Work”: Marital Prospects of Ethiopian Female Return Migrants from the Arabian Gulf (2021)Journal of family issues, 42(2), 231-252. Nisrane, B. L., Ossewaarde, R. M. R. R. & Need, A.
How does private adaptation motivation to climate change vary across cultures?: Evidence from a meta-analysis (2020)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 46. Article 101615. Noll, B., Filatova, T. & Need, A. exploitation narratives and coping strategies of Ethiopian women return migrants from the Arabian Gulf (2020)Gender, Place, and Culture, 27(4), 568-586. Nisrane, B. L., Ossewaarde, R. & Need, A. invloed van sociale netwerkstructuur en prosociale culturele normen op het geven aan goede doelen: Een multilevelanalyse van de Movember-inzamelingscampagne in 24 landen (2020)Mens en maatschappij, 95(1), 55-71. van den Broek, T., Need, A., Ehrenhard, M., Priante, A. & Hiemstra, D. en employability: Buitenlandervaring, bestuurservaring en excellentieonderwijs in de werving door werkgevers: Deelonderzoek van ‘Excellentie in het hoger onderwijs: Selectie, effectiviteit en uitstralingseffecten’ (2020)[Book/Report › Report]. Kolster, R., Westerheijden, D. & Need, A.Home, but not 'at home': the reintegration of unskilled Ethiopian female return migrants from Arabian Gulf countries (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Nisrane, B. L. the professional's eyes: Transfers of care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period (2020)BMC health services research, 20(1). Article 108. van Stenus, C. M. V., Poorthuis, M. B., Boere-Boonekamp, M. M. & Need, A.
Avoiding or mitigating flooding: Bottom-up drivers of urban resilience to climate change in the USA (2019)Global environmental change, 59. Article 101981. de Koning, K., Filatova, T., Need, A. & Bin, O.
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