
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Muscle
    • Woman
    • Pelvic Organ Prolapse
    • Pregnancy
    • Echogenicity
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • Pelvic Floor
    • Patient



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Analysing the support mechanisms of the vaginal ring pessary on supine and upright MRI (2024)Scientific reports, 14(1). Article 30951. van den Noort, F., de Alba Alvarez, I., van der Steen, A., Smelt, A. D., Simonis, F. F. J. & Grob, A. T. M. Effect of Anterior Colporrhaphy: A Prospective Study Comparing POP-Q and Upright MRI (2024)International Urogynecology Journal (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Eijsink, J. J., Simmering, J. A., Perik, M., van der Steen, A. & Grob, A. T. M. Versus Upright MRI Distance Measurements: A Prospective Study in Patients with POP (2024)International Urogynecology Journal, 35(6), 1255-1261. van der Steen, A., Jochem, K. Y., Consten, E. C. J., Simonis, F. F. J. & Grob, A. T. M.


Assessment of daily variation in pelvic anatomy in women with and without pelvic organ prolapse (2023)International Urogynecology Journal, 34(10), 2407-2414. van der Steen, A., Morsinkhof, L. M., Chen, L., de Vries, M., Simonis, F. F. J. & Grob, A. T. M. added value of conventional defecography and MRI defecography in clinical decision making on treatment for posterior compartment prolapse (2023)International Urogynecology Journal, 34, 507-515. Nijland, D. M., van Genugten, L. T., Dekker, K. S., Wagenmakers, G. J., Braak, S. J., Veenstra van Nieuwenhoven, A. L., van der Steen, A. & Grob, A. T. M.


Automatic identification and segmentation of slice of minimal hiatal dimensions in transperineal ultrasound volumes (2022)Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology, 60(4), 570-576. van den Noort, F., Manzini, C., van der Vaart, C. H., van Limbeek, M. A. J., Slump, C. H. & Grob, A. T. M. inclination correction system for magnetic resonance imaging analysis of pelvic organ prolapse in upright position (2022)International Urogynecology Journal, 33, 2801-2807. Morsinkhof, L. M., Schulten, M. K., DeLancey, J. O. L., Simonis, F. F. J. & Grob, A. T. M. (2022)Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology, 60(4), 589-590. van den Noort, F., Manzini, C., van der Vaart, C. H., van Limbeek, M. A. J., Slump, C. H. & Grob, A. T. M. of first versus second line sacrocolpopexies in terms of morbidity and mid-term efficacy (2022)Scientific reports, 12(1). Article 16283. Lallemant, M., Grob, A. T. M., Puyraveau, M., Perik, M. A. G., Alhafidh, A. H. H., Cosson, M. & Ramanah, R. associated with unsuccessful pessary fitting for pelvic organ prolapse up to three months follow-up: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)International Urogynecology Journal, 33(7), 1719-1763. Manzini, C., Morsinkhof, L. M., van der Vaart , C. H., Withagen, M. I. J. & Grob, A. T. M. fitting for pelvic organ prolapse: parameters associated with specific reasons for failure (2022)International Urogynecology Journal, 33(7), 2037-2046. Manzini, C., van der Vaart, C. H., van den Noort, F., Grob, A. T. M. & Withagen, M. I. J. ultrasound to estimate the appropriate ring pessary size for women with pelvic organ prolapse (2022)International Urogynecology Journal, 33, 1981-1987. Manzini, C., Withagen, M. I. J., van den Noort, F., Grob, A. T. M. & van der Vaart, C. H.


Automatic analysis of transperineal ultrasound images (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Limbeek-van den Noort, F. of the levator ani muscle subdivisions on 3D transperineal ultrasound (2021)Insights into Imaging, 12(1). Article 91. Manzini, C., van den Noort, F., Grob, A. T. M., Withagen, M. I. J., Slump, C. H. & van der Vaart, C. H. effect of pessary treatment on puborectalis muscle function (2021)International Urogynecology Journal, 32(6), 1409-1417. Manzini, C., van den Noort, F., Grob, A. T. M., Withagen, M. I. J. & van der Vaart, C. H.


Robotic versus laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy: Comparison of surgery data, complications, recurrences and redo surgeries (2020)[Contribution to conference › Poster] IUGA 45th Annual Meeting 2020. Morsinkhof, L. M., Alhafidh, A., Simonis, F. F. J., Perik, M. & Bellos-Grob, A. T. M.


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