
Training performance of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables in a channel with a wide range of impregnation materials. Otten, S., Kario, A., Wessel, W. A. J., Leferink, J., Ten Kate, H. H. J., Daly, M., Hug, C., Sidorov, S., Brem, A., Auchmann, B., Studer, P. & Tervoort, T. geometry method for minimum hard-way bending 3D design of coils with ReBCO tape conductor, Article 105011. Nes, T. H., de Rijk, G., Kario, A. & Ten Kate, H. H. J. of a cloverleaf-racetrack dipole demonstrator magnet with dual ReBCO conductor, Article 4002105. Nes, T., Kirby, G., De Rijk, G., Canale, M., Gentini, L., Van Nugteren, J., Kario, A. & Ten Kate, H. H. J. Time Constants at 4.2 to 70 K in ReBCO Pancake Coils with Different Inter-Turn Resistances, Article 4600806. Nes, T. H., De Rijk, G., Kirby, G., Pincot, F. O., Liberadzka-Porret, J., Petrone, C., Richter, S. C., Van Nugteren, J., Kario, A. & Ten Kate, H. H. J. training in paraffin-wax impregnated Nb3Sn Rutherford cables demonstrated in BOX samples, Article 055014. Daly, M., Auchmann, B., Brem, A., Hug, C., Sidorov, S., Otten, S., Dhallé, M., Guo, Z., Kario, A. & Ten Kate, H. H. J. Work Proposal for a Collaborative Study of Magnet Technology for a Future Muon Collider. Bottura, L., Aguglia, D., Auchmann, B., Arndt, T., Beard, J., Bersani, A., Boattini, F., Breschi, M., Caiffi, B., Chaud, X., Dam, M., Debray, F., Gersem, H. D., Matteis, E. D., Dudarev, A., Farinon, S., Kario, A., Losito, R., Mariotto, S., … Yang, Y.
BOX: An efficient benchmark facility for the study and mitigation of interface-induced training in accelerator type high-field superconducting magnets, Article 115008. Daly, M., Auchmann, B., Hug, C., Sidorov, S., Otten, S., Kario, A., Dhallé, M. & ten Kate, H. for fusion: A roadmap, Article 103001. Mitchell, N., Zheng, J., Vorpahl, C., Corato, V., Sanabria, C., Segal, M., Sorbom, B., Slade, R., Brittles, G., Bateman, R., Miyoshi, Y., Banno, N., Saito, K., Kario, A., ten Kate, H., Bruzzone, P., Wesche, R., Schild, T., Bykovskiy, N., … Liu, G.


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HTS- ReBCO coil

Muon Collider




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