

A compact & efficient ReBCO actuator (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Applied superconductivity conference, ASC 2024. Verbruggen, W., Dhallé, M. M. J., Santos Tomás, G. S., Kario, A. U., van Ginkel, K., Dwarshuis, K., Boersma, R., van Gorcum, M., Neut, M., van Oort, H., Brouwer, D. M. & Kisteman, A.From Hot to Cold: Advanced Materials and Processes for Nb3Sn Based Magnets (2024)IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 34(5). Article 7700105. Brem, A., Duda, M., Mullera, C., Garciaa, H., Huga, C., Daly, M., Martins Araujo, D., Kosse, J., Otten, S., Kario, A., Kate, H. H. J. T., Milanese, A. & Auchmann, B. a cloverleaf type accelerator magnet (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Nes, T. H. of substrate and epitaxially grown Y123 thin films by Ca2Nb3O10 nanosheet templates (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] International Workshop on Oxide Electronics, iWOE 2024. Ruiters, J. R. H., M. Cunha, D., Kario, A., Dhallé, M. M. J., Koster, G. & Rijnders, A. J. H. M.


A Miniature Linear Actuator based on a layer-wound ReBCO solenoid (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS 2023. Verbruggen, W., Dizij, J., Tomás, G., Dhallé, M., Kario, A., Neut, M., van Gorcum, M. & Boersma, R.Training Curves of Nb3Sn Rutherford Cables With a Wide Range of Impregnation Materials Measured in the BOX Facility (2023)IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 33(5). Article 4003605. Otten, S., Kario, A., Wessel, W. A. J., Leferink, J., ten Kate, H. H. J., Daly, M., Hug, C., Sidorov, S., Brem, A., Auchmann, B., Studer, P. & Tervoort, T.


Training performance of Nb3Sn Rutherford cables in a channel with a wide range of impregnation materials (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Otten, S., Kario, A., Wessel, W. A. J., Leferink, J., Ten Kate, H. H. J., Daly, M., Hug, C., Sidorov, S., Brem, A., Auchmann, B., Studer, P. & Tervoort, T. geometry method for minimum hard-way bending 3D design of coils with ReBCO tape conductor (2022)Superconductor science and technology, 35(10). Article 105011. Nes, T. H., de Rijk, G., Kario, A. & ten Kate, H. H. J. of a cloverleaf-racetrack dipole demonstrator magnet with dual ReBCO conductor (2022)IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 32(6). Article 4002105. Nes, T. H., Kirby, G., de Rijk, G., Canale, M., Gentini, L., van Nugteren, J., Kario, A. & ten Kate, H. H. J. Time Constants at 4.2 to 70 K in ReBCO Pancake Coils with Different Inter-Turn Resistances (2022)IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 32(4). Article 4600806. Nes, T. H., de Rijk, G., Kirby, G., Pincot, F. O., Liberadzka-Porret, J., Petrone, C., Richter, S. C., van Nugteren, J., Kario, A. & ten Kate, H. H. J.


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