
  • Material Science

    • Reflectivity
    • Surface
    • Temperature
    • Thin Films
  • Chemistry

    • Liquid Film
  • Physics

    • Mirrors
    • Growth
    • Diffusivity




Examining the influence of W thickness on the Si-on-W Interface: A comparative metrology analysis (2024)Applied surface science, 670. Article 160615 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Valpreda, A., Sturm, J. M., Yakshin, A. E., Woitok, J. F., Lokhorst, H. W., Phadke, P. & Ackermann, M. effect of W thickness on the interface Si-on-W, a Low-Energy Ion Scattering study (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2024. Valpreda, A., Sturm, J. M., Yakshin, A. E. & Ackermann, M.


Interface smoothing in short-period W/B4C multilayers using neon ion beam polishing (2023)Journal of Applied Physics, 134(24). Article 245303. IJpes, D., Yakshin, A., Sturm, J. M. & Ackermann, M. engineered ultrashort period soft X-ray multilayers: Growth, characterization, and optical response (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. IJpes, D. and optical performance of short-period W/Al and polished W/Si/Al/Si multilayers (2023)Journal of Applied Physics, 134(15). Article 155301. IJpes, D., Yakshin, A., Sturm, J. M. & Ackermann, M. buried interfaces with low energy ion scattering (2023)Journal of vacuum science & technology A: vacuum, surfaces, and films, 41(4). Article 043203. Valpreda, A., Sturm, J. M., Yakshin, A. E. & Ackermann, M. 0.1 nm B4C barriers in ultrashort period 1.0 nm W/Si multilayers for increased soft x-ray reflectance (2023)Journal of Applied Physics, 133(24). Article 245301. IJpes, D., Yakshin, A., Sturm, J. M. & Ackermann, M. soft x-ray reflectance of short-period W/Si multilayers using B4C diffusion barriers (2023)Journal of Applied Physics, 133(2). Article 025302. IJpes, D., Yakshin, A., Sturm, J. M. & Ackermann, M.


Influence of the Template Layer on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PbZr<sub>0.52</sub>Ti<sub>0.48</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Films (2022)ACS Omega, 7(26), 22210-22220. Lucke, P., Nematollahi, M., Bayraktar, M., Yakshin, A. E., Elshof, J. E. t. & Bijkerk, F. of LEIS spectra: use of a Monte Carlo code to calculate reionization (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Physics@Veldhoven 2022. Valpreda, A., Zameshin, A., Sturm, J. M., Yakshin, A. & Ackermann, M.


Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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