
  • Mathematics

    • Experimental Design
    • Conjoint Analysis
    • Optimal Design
    • True Parameter
  • Social Sciences

    • Marketing
  • Computer Science

    • Application
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Models




Investigating the adoption of neuroscience technology among marketing professionals: A survey on the intention to use neuromarketing tools (2023)In Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy (Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy). Alvino, L., Herrando, C., Leszkiewicz, A., Horsten, C. & Robben, H.


Smart Business and the Social Value of AI (2022)In Smart Business and Better Management (pp. 19-34) (Advanced Series in Management; Vol. 28). Emerald. Leszkiewicz, A., Hormann, T. M. & Krafft, M. Cultural Dimensions Affect Purchase Intention on Social Commerce (2022)In Proceedings of the 51st European Marketing Academy. Dao, G. T. H., Leszkiewicz, A. & Constantinides, E.Social Influence Analysis (SIA) in Online Social Networks (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 4th Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2022 . Leszkiewicz, A., Bucur, D., Grimme, C., Michalski, R., Clever, L., Pohl, J., Rook, J., Bossek, J., Preuss, M., Squillero, G., Quer, S., Calabrese, A., Iacca, G., Kizgin, D. H. & Trautmann, H.


Digital Analytics: Modeling for Insights and New Methods (2020)Journal of interactive marketing, 51, 26-43. Gupta, S., Leszkiewicz, A., Kumar, V., Bijmolt, T. & Potapov, D.


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