Material Science
- Cathode
- Electrode
- Oxide
- Solid
- Temperature
- Dioxygen
- Surface
- Rate
Characterization of porous La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ based cathode films for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. An electrochemical impedance study (2024)Solid state ionics, 412. Article 116600. Boukamp, B. A. & Carru, J. C. towards carbon dioxide electrolysis on gadolinium-doped ceria in a solid oxide cell (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Shaur, A. electrochemical impedance analysis through innovations in the distribution of relaxation times method (2024)Joule, 8(7), 1958-1981. Maradesa, A., Py, B., Huang, J., Lu, Y., Iurilli, P., Mrozinski, A., Law, H. M., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Li, J., Xu, S., Meyer, Q., Liu, J., Brivio, C., Gavrilyuk, A., Kobayashi, K., Bertei, A., Williams, N. J., Zhao, C., … Ciucci, F. effect of intrinsic magnetic order on electrochemical water splitting (2024)Applied physics reviews, 11(1). Article 011420. van der Minne, E., Korol, L., Krakers, L. M. A., Verhage, M., Rosário, C. M. M., Roskamp, T. J., Spiteri, R. J., Biz, C., Fianchini, M., Boukamp, B. A., Rijnders, G., Flipse, K., Gracia, J., Mul, G., Hilgenkamp, H., Green, R. J., Koster, G. & Baeumer, C.
A single-phase gadolinium-doped ceria cathode for highly efficient CO2 electrolysis (2023)Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11(45), 25020-25030. Shaur, A., Drazkowski, M., Zhu, S., Boukamp, B. & Bouwmeester, H. J. M.
On the effect of electrode material in electrical conductivity relaxation - An alternative interpretation of the two-fold relaxation behavior in La5.4WO11.1-δ (2022)Solid state ionics, 384. Article 115994. Zhu, S., Drazkowski, M., Boukamp, B. A. & Bouwmeester, H. J. M. conducting oxides as air electrode in protonic ceramic cells: A study towards structure, transport properties and electrochemical performance of selected triple ionic-electronic conducting oxides (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Zhu, S. Niobate Anodes for High Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries (2022)Advanced energy materials, 12(1). Article 2102972. Xia, R., Zhao, K., Kuo, L. Y., Zhang, L., Cunha, D. M., Wang, Y., Huang, S., Zheng, J., Boukamp, B., Kaghazchi, P., Sun, C., ten Elshof, J. E. & Huijben, M.
Tunable capacitance in all-inkjet-printed nanosheet heterostructures (2021)Energy Storage Materials, 36, 318-325. Wang, Y., Mehrali, M., Zhang, Y. Z., Timmerman, M. A., Boukamp, B. A., Xu, P. Y. & ten Elshof, J. E.
Electrostatic spray deposited Ca3Co4O9+δ and Ca3Co4O9+δ/Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 cathodes for SOFC: A comparative impedance analysis study (2020)Electrochimica acta, 362. Article 137142. Boukamp, B. A., Rolle, A., Vannier, R. N., Sharma, R. K. & Djurado, E.

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