I hold an MSc in Geography, specialising in Cartography, from Utrecht University in The Netherlands. I worked for 9 years as a Lecturer in Cartography at that university and then moved to the International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation (ITC) in 1997. The ITC was an international school providing courses on GIS and Remote Sensing to students from all around the world, ranging from short courses, through 2 yearĀ MSc degree courses, as well as a PhD programmes.Ā Since 1 January 2010, ITC is a Faculty of the University of Twente. Currently I am Senior Lecturer -Researcher in cartographic visualisation and GIS in the Department of Geo-Information Processing (GIP) at ITC.
My teaching subjects include Cartographic Theory, WebCartography and WebGIS, Geo-webservices, web application building and Visualisation Pipelines. Furthermore, I supervise MSc theses. I also am coordinator of the thesis semester of the Erasmus Mundus Joined Master in Cartography that UT-ITC runs together with the Technical Universities of Munich, Dresden and Vienna.Ā
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Maps & InfographicsĀ
Apart from scientific and other papers, in the last few years I have published over 500 maps & infographics, mainly in the Dutch journal "Geografie". You can find them in thisĀ searchable list, with PNG previewsĀ ...
My teaching subjects include Cartographic Theory, WebCartography and WebGIS, Geo-webservices, web application building and Visualisation Pipelines. Furthermore, I superviseĀ MSc theses. I also am coordinator of the thesis semester of the Erasmus Mundus Joined Master in Cartography that UT-ITC runs together with the Technical Universities of Munich, Dresden and Vienna.Ā
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201500060 - HTHT Geographic Information Systems
- 201600314 - Data Visualization (Atlas)
- 201600362 - S6: Capstone project
- 201800290 - Extraction & Dissem. of Geo Information
- 201800301 - Integrated Geospatial Workflows
- 201800433 - S3: Elective course
- 201800435 - S3: Online Elective course
- 201800436 - S3: Online Elective course 1
- 201800443 - Semester 4: Grand Challenges
- 201900002 - Internship
- 201900059 - Geodata Visualization
- 201900224 - Elective course (Elders UT)
- 201900306 - S5: Online elective 1
- 201900309 - S5: Online elective
- 202001517 - S6: Online elective
- 202001518 - S6: Online elective 1
- 202001569 - Internship (B-Atlas)
- 202001572 - S5: Online elective 2
- 202001573 - S5: Online elective 3
- 202001575 - S6: Online elective 2
- 202001576 - S6: Online elective 3
- 202001586 - Elective course (Elders UT) 1
- 202001587 - Elective course (Elders UT) 2
- 202100320 - S3: Online Elective course 2
- 202300138 - SIS I: Spatial Data Visualization
- 202300139 - SIS II: Digital Elevation Models and the
- 202300140 - TE I: Systems Analysis & Dyn. Modelling
- 202300141 - SIS III: Volunteered Geographic Info
- 202300142 - SPG II: Spatial Knowledge Management
- 202300237 - SPG I: Institutionalizing Spatial Inform
- 202300415 - IIRS Internship
- 202400747 - Elective course (Elders UT) 3
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201500060 - HTHT Geographic Information Systems
- 201600314 - Data Visualization (Atlas)
- 201600362 - S6: Capstone project
- 201700321 - S4: Project: Project: Real-world challen
- 201800290 - Extraction & Dissem. of Geo Information
- 201800301 - Integrated Geospatial Workflows
- 201800433 - S3: Elective course
- 201800435 - S3: Online Elective course
- 201800436 - S3: Online Elective course 1
- 201800443 - Semester 4: Grand Challenges
- 201900002 - Internship
- 201900059 - Geodata Visualization
- 201900224 - Elective course (Elders UT)
- 201900306 - S5: Online elective 1
- 201900309 - S5: Online elective
- 202001517 - S6: Online elective
- 202001518 - S6: Online elective 1
- 202001569 - Internship (B-Atlas)
- 202001572 - S5: Online elective 2
- 202001573 - S5: Online elective 3
- 202001575 - S6: Online elective 2
- 202001576 - S6: Online elective 3
- 202001586 - Elective course (Elders UT) 1
- 202001587 - Elective course (Elders UT) 2
- 202100320 - S3: Online Elective course 2
- 202300138 - SIS I: Spatial Data Visualization
- 202300139 - SIS II: Digital Elevation Models and the
- 202300140 - TE I: Systems Analysis & Dynamic Modelli
- 202300141 - SIS III: Volunteered Geographic Info
- 202300142 - SPG II: Spatial Knowledge Management
- 202300237 - SPG I: Institutionalizing Spatial Inform
- 202300415 - IIRS Internship
I have been involved in various consultancy projectsĀ in The Netherlands, India, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Namibia, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia. For a full list see this page.

Universiteit Twente
Langezijds (gebouwnr. 19), kamer 1311
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Langezijds 1311
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede