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A systematic review of predictive, optimization, and smart control strategies for hydrogen-based building heating systems (2025)Applied energy, 379. Article 124994. Kaabinejadian, A., Pozarlik, A. & Acar, C. and environmental analysis of Cu–Cl cycle for hydrogen production in hybrid refuelling stations: A case study of Highway 401, Canada (2025)International journal of hydrogen energy, 100, 1135-1158. Mohammadi, A., Jianu, O. A. & Acar, C.
Hydrogen storage solutions for residential heating: A thermodynamic and economic analysis with scale-up potential (2024)International journal of hydrogen energy, 79, 579-593. Esposito, L., van der Wiel, M. & Acar, C. analysis and multi-objective optimization of solar and hydrogen energy-based systems for residential applications: A review (2024)International journal of hydrogen energy, 75, 662-689. Soyturk, G., Cetinkaya, S. A., Aslani Yekta, M., Kheiri Joghan, M. M., Mohebi, H., Kizilkan, O., Ghandehariun, A. M., Colpan, C. O., Acar, C. & Ghandehariun, S. hydrogen for ammonia production – A case for the Netherlands (2024)International journal of hydrogen energy, 52, 418-432. Pagani, G., Hajimolana, Y. & Acar, C. editorial for the special issue hydrogen production based on papers selected from the 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC-2022) (2024)International journal of hydrogen energy, 52, 1. Kovač, A., Acar, C. & Karapinar, I. stationary hydrogen storage application selection with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy AHP (2024)International journal of hydrogen energy, 49, 619-634. Acar, C., Haktanır, E., Temur, G. T. & Beskese, A.
Performance analysis of a stand-alone integrated solar hydrogen energy system for zero energy buildings (2023)International journal of hydrogen energy, 48(5), 1664-1684. Acar, C., Erturk, E. & Firtina-Ertis, I.
Selection criteria and ranking for sustainable hydrogen production options (2022)International journal of hydrogen energy, 47(95), 40118-40137. Acar, C. & Dincer, I. comprehensive review of recent advances in renewable-based drying technologies for a sustainable future (2022)Drying Technology, 40(6), 1029-1050. Acar, C., Dincer, I. & Mujumdar, A. fuel cell sustainability assessment with a novel approach (2022)International journal of hydrogen energy, 47(1), 575-594. Acar, C., Beskese, A. & Temur, G. T. Status and Future Prospects of Power-To-Hydrogen Towards 100% Renewable Energy (2022)In Renewable Energy Based Solutions (pp. 667-690) (Lecture Notes in Energy; Vol. 87). Springer. Acar, C. hydrogen for ammonia production – A case for the Netherlands (2022)In Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2 (pp. 240-242). International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE. Pagani, G., Acar, C. & Hajimolana, Y.Modeling of a Hydrogen Storage System Based on Metal Hydride and Phase Change Material (2022)In Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2 (pp. 604-606). International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE. Wiersma, W. H. & Acar, C.
Investigation of a new integrated system for multiple outputs with hydrogen and methanol (2021)International journal of hydrogen energy, 46(6), 4699-4715. Acar, C. & Dincer, I.
Enhanced generation of hydrogen, power, and heat with a novel integrated photoelectrochemical system (2020)International journal of hydrogen energy, 45(60), 34666-36678. Acar, C. & Dincer, I. sizing design of an isolated stand-alone hybrid wind-hydrogen system for a zero-energy house (2020)Applied energy, 274, 115244. Firtina-Ertis, I., Acar, C. & Erturk, E. Hydrogen’s Role for a Sustainable Future (2020)In Accelerating the Transition to a 100% Renewable Energy Era (pp. 309-331) (Lecture Notes in Energy). Springer. Acar, C.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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