Social Sciences
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Bridging silos through governance innovations: the role of the EU cities mission (2025)Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 6, 1-14. Article 1463870. Buylova, A., Nasiritousi, N., Jennifer, B., Sanderink, L., Wickenberg, B., Casiano Flores, C. A. & McCormick, K.
Exploring Governance Modes in Open Data Initiatives: Insights from France and Ireland (2024)In Proceedings of Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects of the International Conference EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024 (CEUR workshop proceedings; Vol. 3737). Santoro, C., Casiano Flores, C. A., Nikiforova, A., Zuiderwijk, A. & Crompvoets, J. governance analysis of the role of artificial intelligence in the European water sector (2024)In La crisis del agua en el siglo XXI: Perspectivas y soluciones (pp. 80-94). El Colegio de Tlaxcala. Casiano Flores, C. A. & Rodriguez Müller, A. P.La gobernanza de los espacios públicos desde una perspectiva de los grupos de interés en Puebla (2024)In Agenda Pública y Derechos Humanos para una Sociedad Plural e Incluyente (pp. 242). Montiel y Soriano Editores. Alvarado Vazquez, S. & Casiano Flores, C. A.Identifying patterns and recommendations of and for sustainable open data initiatives: A benchmarking-driven analysis of open government data initiatives among European countries (2024)Government information quarterly, 41(1). Article 101898. Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Luterek, M., Milic, P., Rudmark, D., Neumaier, S., Santoro, C., Casiano Flores, C., Janssen, M. & Rodríguez Bolívar, M. P.
Erratum: Journal of Water & Climate Change 14 (5), 1638–1655: Assessing the leapfrogging potential to water sensitive: the Dutch case of Zwolle, (2023)Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(7), 2515. Flores, C. C., Müller, A. P. R., Dolman, N. & Özerol, G. the leapfrogging potential to water sensitive: the Dutch case of Zwolle (2023)Journal of Water and Climate Change, 14(5), 1638-1655. Casiano Flores, C., Müller, A. P. R., Dolman, N. & Özerol, G. Change Adaptation: The Role of Geospatial Data in Sustainable Infrastructures (2023)ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 12(2). Article 68. Casiano Flores, C. & Crompvoets, J. of older adults’ needs as future users of autonomous shuttles: A serious game co-creation approach for inclusiveness (2023)Transactions on Transport Sciences, 14(1), 14-23. Flores, C. C., Vanongeval, F. & Steenberghen, T. Data for: Serious Game "A shuttle for everyone" (2023)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flores, C. C. & Steenberghen, T. a contextualized research agenda: Governance challenges of the wastewater treatment policy in Mexico and the role of subnational governments (2023)Wiley interdisciplinary reviews : Water, 10(1). Article e1617. Casiano Flores, C.
Governance challenges of the wastewater treatment policy in Mexico and Latin America; the role of subnational governments (2022)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flores, C. C.A Scoping Review of Empirical Evidence on (Digital) Public Services Co-Creation (2022)Administrative Sciences, 11(4). Article 130. Müller, A. P. R., Flores, C. C., Albrecht, V., Steen, T. & Crompvoets, J. challenges in Africa (2022)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. Flores, C. C.Towards a co-creation approach in the European Interoperability Framework (2022)Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 16(4), 519-539. Casiano Flores, C., Rodriguez Müller, A. P., Virkar, S., Temple, L., Steen, T. & Crompvoets, J.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201700354 - MEEM Academic Writing Skills
- 201700358 - MEEM Academic Reading Skills
- 201700359 - MEEM Academic Research Skills
- 201700360 - Aspects Energy & Sustainable Development
- 201700361 - Introduction Sustainable Development
- 201900131 - Case Project Water Management
- 202001418 - Innov in Sustain. Chain Manag.: Design
- 202001438 - Innov in Sustain. Chain Manag.: Analysis
- 202001451 - Research Proposal
- 202001453 - Master Thesis Environmental Management
- 202001454 - Master Thesis Water Management
- 202100153 - Digitalisation & Sustainability
- 202300113 - Water Management for MEEM
- 202300121 - Academic Research Skills
- 202300122 - Policy and Sustainability
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201700354 - MEEM Academic Writing Skills
- 201700358 - MEEM Academic Reading Skills
- 201700359 - MEEM Academic Research Skills
- 201700360 - Aspects Energy & Sustainable Development
- 201700361 - Introduction Sustainable Development
- 201900131 - Case Project Water Management
- 202001451 - Research Proposal
- 202001453 - Master Thesis Environmental Management
- 202001454 - Master Thesis Water Management
- 202300113 - Water Management for MEEM
- 202300121 - Academic Research Skills
- 202300122 - Policy and Sustainability
Lopende projecten
DISCO. Digital solutions for climate adaptation
ODECO. Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem
GOVAQUA. Governance innovations for a transition to sustainable and equitable water use in Europe
Breaking Up Silos – Can a mission approach for climate neutral cities accelerate energy transitions?

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