FAST, PROVABLY HIGH-ORDER ACCURATE METHODS FOR VOLUME INTEGRAL OPERATORS (2024)In The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Pérez-Arancibia, C.Reflectionless Discrete Perfectly Matched Layers for Higher-Order Finite Difference Schemes (2024)SIAM journal on scientific computing, 46(5), A3094-A3123. Hojas, V. A., Pérez-Arancibia, C. & Sánchez, M. A., high-order numerical evaluation of volume potentials via polynomial density interpolation (2024)Journal of computational physics, 511. Article 113091. Anderson, T. G., Bonnet, M., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C. FIELD-ONLY BOUNDARY INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING (2024)In The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (pp. 71-72). Anderson, T. G., Bonnet, M., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C.SOLVING BOUNDARY AND VOLUME INTEGRAL EQUATIONS WITH INTI.JL (2024)In The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Anderson, T. G., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C.WINDOWED GREEN FUNCTION METHOD FOR WAVE SCATTERING BY PERIODIC ARRAYS OF 2D OBSTACLES (2024)In The 16th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Caussade, T., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C. of polynomial particular solutions of linear constant-coefficient partial differential equations (2024)Computers & mathematics with applications, 162, 94-103. Anderson, T. G., Bonnet, M., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C. Complex-Scaled Boundary Integral Equation for Time-Harmonic Water Waves (2024)SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 84(4), 1532-1556. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, A.-S., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C. Field-Only Boundary Integral Equations for PEC Electromagnetic Scattering Problem in Spherical Geometries (2024)SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 84(1), 19-38. Maltez-Faria, L., Pérez-Arancibia, C. & Turc, C.
A complex-scaled boundary integral equation for time-harmonic water waves (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, A.-S., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C. particular solutions of linear partial differential equations with polynomial right-hand-sides (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Anderson, T. G., Bonnet, M., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C.Combined field-only boundary integral equations for PEC electromagnetic scattering problem in spherical geometries (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Faria, L., Perez-arancibia, C. & Turc, C.Windowed Green function method for wave scattering by periodic arrays of 2D obstacles (2023)Studies in Applied Mathematics, 150(1), 277-315. Article 12540. Strauszer, T., Faria, L. M., Fernandez-Lado, A. & Perez-Arancibia, C.
Windowed Green Function MoM for Second-Kind Surface Integral Equation Formulations of Layered Media Electromagnetic Scattering Problems (2022)IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation, 70(12), 11978-11989. Arrieta, R. & Perez-Arancibia, C., high-order numerical evaluation of volume potentials via polynomial density interpolation (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Anderson, T. G., Bonnet, M., Faria, L. M. & Pérez-Arancibia, C.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191508209 - Internship AM
- 191508309 - Final Project (combination)
- 191508409 - Final Project M-AM
- 202001178 - Linear Algebra for pre-masters
- 202001193 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for IEM
- 202001194 - Calculus 1B for BIT
- 202001201 - Calculus 1B for ME
- 202001205 - Linear Algebra for TCS
- 202001389 - Matlab for pre-masters ET
- 202001433 - Bacheloropdracht AM-TN
- 202100097 - Finite Element Methods
- 202200143 - Analysis 1
- 202200179 - Calculus 2 for AT
- 202200237 - Analysis 2
- 202300130 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics
- 202300183 - Analysis 1 - Abstract
- 202400632 - Intro to Partial Differential Equations
- 202400660 - Analysis 2
- 202400669 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics 2
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191508209 - Internship AM
- 200900030 - Onderzoek van Wiskunde
- 202001218 - Calculus 2 for ME
- 202001379 - Bachelor's Assignment M12
- 202001385 - Bachelor Assignment AM-TCS Double Degree
- 202001389 - Matlab for pre-masters ET
- 202200143 - Analysis 1
- 202200237 - Analysis 2
- 202300130 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics
- 202300183 - Analysis 1 - Abstract

Universiteit Twente
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