
  • Physics

    • Electric Potential
    • Wafer
  • Material Science

    • Devices
    • Detector
    • Temperature
    • Hot Carrier
    • Metal
    • Switch




Recovery of hot-carrier degraded nMOSFETs (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. de Jong, M. J.


Effect of Ambient on the Recovery of Hot-Carrier Degraded Devices (2020)In 2020 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2020 - Proceedings. Article 9129540 (IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings; Vol. 2020-April). IEEE. De Jong, M. J., Salm, C. & Schmitz, J. of short-circuit transients in the LHC main dipole circuit (2020)Journal of physics: Conference series, 1559(1). Article 012077. Liakopoulou, A., Annema, A. J., Bortot, L., Charifoulline, Z., MacIejewski, M., Prioli, M., Ravaioli, E., Salm, C., Schmitz, J. & Verweij, A. P. Tag Failure after Thermal Overstress (2020)In 2019 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop, IIRW 2019. Article 8989885. IEEE. Ozturk, E., Dikkers, M. J., Batenburg, K. M., Salm, C. & Schmitz, J.


Recovery after hot-carrier injection: Slow versus fast traps (2019)Microelectronics reliability, 100-101. Article 113318. de Jong, M. J., Salm, C. & Schmitz, J.


Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

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