Disrupted self, therapy, and the limits of conversational AI (2024)Philosophical Psychology (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Babushkina, D. & de Boer, B. S. O. M., decisions, and Reasons to Believe (2024)Philosophy of AI, 1(1) (Accepted/In press). Babushkina, D.
Social Robots and Society (2023)In Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction (pp. 53-82). Open Book Publishers. Nyholm, S., Friedman, C., Dale, M. T., Puzio, A., Babushkina, D., Löhr, G., Gwagwa, A., Kamphorst, B. A., Perugia, G. & IJsselsteijn, W. we justified attributing a mistake in diagnosis to an AI diagnostic system? (2023)AI and Ethics, 3, 567-584. Babushkina, D.
Disruption, technology and the question of (artificial) identity (2022)AI and Ethics, 2, 611-622. Babushkina, D. & Votsis, A. constraints on AI-human decision making for diagnostic purposes (2022)Ethics and information technology, 24. Article 22. Babushkina, D. & Votsis, A. Dispositional Account of Habits and Explanation of Moral Action in F.H. Bradley (2022)In Habit and the History of Philosophy (pp. 121-133). Taylor & Francis. Babushkina, D. does it mean for a robot to be respectful? (2022)Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 26(1), 1-30. Babushkina, D.
Artificial Identity: Disruption and the Right to Persist (2021)In HRI 2021-Robo-Identity: Exploring Artificial Identity and Multi-Embodiment March 2021. Article 3. Babushkina, D. & Votsis, A.
Towards Patient-oriented Transparency (2020)In Tethics2020: Proceedings of the Conference on Technology Ethics (pp. 117-124). Babushkina, D.
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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
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