
  • Physics

    • Bubbles
    • Liquids
    • Cavitation Flow
    • Injection
    • Needles
    • Collapse
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Bubble
  • Engineering

    • Microfluidics



Zero-Gap Porous Silicon Membrane Electrodes for Alkaline ElectrolysisMeeting Abstracts of the Electrochemical Society, MA2023-02. Raman, A., Werf, S. v. d., Gardeniers, H., Rivas, D. F. & Arce, A. S. mass transfer around spatially-decoupled electrolytic bubblesChemical Engineering Journal, 477, Article 147012. Raman, A., Porto, C. C. d. S., Gardeniers, H., Soares, C., Rivas, D. F. & Padoin, N. density influences the transition from capillary collapse to surface seal in microfluidic jet impacts on deep pools. Kroeze, T. B., Rivas, D. F. & Quetzeri-Santiago, M. A.Laser beam properties and microfluidic confinement control thermocavitation. Schoppink, J. J., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. & Rivas, D. F. characterization method. David, F. R. & Miguel, A. Q. S.Cavitation induced by pulsed and continuous-wave fiber lasers in confinementExperimental thermal and fluid science, 146, Article 110926. Schoppink, J. J., Krizek, J., Moser, C. & Fernandez Rivas, D. Mass Transfer Around Spatially-Decoupled Electrolytic Bubbles. ChemRxiv. Raman, A., Porto, C. C. d. S., Gardeniers, H., Soares, C., Rivas, D. F. & Padoin, N. collapse near porous platesJournal of fluid mechanics, 962, Article A11. Andrews, E. D., Rivas, D. F. & Peters, I. R. jet impact: spreading, splashing, soft substrate deformation and injectionJournal of colloid and interface science, 636, 549-558. van der Ven, D. L., Morrone, D., Quetzeri Santiago, M. A. & Fernández Rivas , D. microjets tuned by channels with alternating wettability patternsPhysics of fluids, 35(3), Article 032017 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Schoppink, J., Mohan, K., Quetzeri-Santiago, M., McKinley, G. H., Rivas, D. F. & Dickerson, A. K. microjets tuned by channels with alternating wettability patterns. Schoppink, J. J., Mohan, K., Quetzeri-Santiago, M. A., McKinley, G., Rivas, D. F. & Dickerson, A. K.Cavity dynamics after the injection of a microfluidic jet onto capillary bridgesSoft matter, 19(2), 245-257. Quetzeri-Santiago, M. A. & Rivas, D. F.
Cavitation induced by pulsed and continuous-wave fiber lasers in confinement. Schoppink, J. J., Krizek, J., Moser, C. & Rivas, D. F. collapse near porous plates. Andrews, E. D., Rivas, D. F. & Peters, I. R. response of single successive constant-current-driven electrolytic hydrogen bubbles spatially separated from the electrodeElectrochimica acta, 425, Article 140691. Raman, A., Peñas, P., van der Meer, D., Lohse, D., Gardeniers, H. & Fernández Rivas, D. Entrepreneurial Engineering: The Missing Ingredient. Walter de Gruyter. Fernandez Rivas, D. jet impact: spreading, splashing, soft substrate deformation and injection. Ven, D. L. v. d., Morrone, D., Quetzeri-Santiago, M. A. & Rivas, D. F.Cavity dynamics after the injection of a microfluidic jet in capillary bridges. Quetzeri-Santiago, M. A. & Fernandez Rivas, D.Empathy, Persuasiveness and Knowledge promote innovative engineering and entrepreneurial skillsEducation for Chemical Engineers, 40, 45-55. Fernandez Rivas, D. & Husein, S. an intensification factor for green chemistry and engineering: The value of an operationally simple decision-making tool in process assessmentSustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 27, Article 100651. Fernandez Rivas, D. & Cintas, P.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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BuBble Gun



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