
  • Computer Science

    • Design
    • Contexts
  • Social Sciences

    • Economic and Social Development
    • Project
    • Process
    • Approach
    • Decision
    • Packaging



  • PAO-TMBoard member
  • Stellenbosch UniversityProfessor extraordinary


A digital twinning reference model to facilitate multi-stakeholder decision-making, 315-320. Damgrave, R., Slot, M., van der Worp, L. & Lutters, E. design evolution for parametric design applied on computer-aided welding fixture designs, 999-1004. Arnaoutis, V., Rosic, B. V. & Lutters, E. twinning in learning factories that learn. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R. Integration Over Different Educational Levels and Disciplines in a Learning Factory. Damgrave, R., Massa, J. & Lutters, E. Multi-stakeholder Digital Twinning for Anticipated Production EnvironmentsIn Smart, Sustainable Manufacturing in an Ever-Changing World: Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) (pp. 203-214). Springer Nature. Damgrave, R. G. J. & Lutters, E. in Digital Twinning; An Exploration Based on Asset LocationIn Smart, Sustainable Manufacturing in an Ever-Changing World: Proceedings of International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ’22) (pp. 191-202). Springer Nature. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R. design evolution for production setups; a case study for welding fixtures, 1522-1527. Arnaoutis, V., Rosic, B. V. & Lutters, E. twinning as the basis for integration of education and research in a learning factory, 1463-1468. Lutters, E. & Damgrave, R.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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