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Design of an Underactuated, Flexure-Based Gripper, Actuated Through a Push–Pull Flexure (2024)Journal of mechanisms and robotics, 17(6). Article 061009 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Dwarshuis, K., de Jong, J. & Brouwer, D. M. of a Hollow Flexible Hinge for an Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (2024)In 48th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR). Article 143642 (Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference; Vol. 7). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Kamphof, W. E., Nijenhuis, M., Kragt, J. W., Lewińska-Maresca, M. A. & Brouwer, D. M. compact & efficient ReBCO actuator (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Applied superconductivity conference, ASC 2024. Verbruggen, W., Dhallé, M. M. J., Santos Tomás, G. S., Kario, A. U., van Ginkel, K., Dwarshuis, K., Boersma, R., van Gorcum, M., Neut, M., van Oort, H., Brouwer, D. M. & Kisteman, A.Mitigating friction induced limit cycles by an intermediate flexure stage (2024)In Proceedings of the 24th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology (pp. 445-448). de Jong, J., Fix, J. & Brouwer, D. M.Automatic kinematic alignment of flexures in parallel mechanisms (2024)In Proceedings of the ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE2024. Article v007t07a012. Piening, P., Nijenhuis, M., Aarts, R. G. K. M. & Brouwer, D. M. hinge design and optimization for compact anthropomorphic grippers made via metal additive manufacturing (2024)Journal of mechanical design, 146(1). Article 015001. Tschiersky, M., de Jong, J. & Brouwer, D. M. ELC: A Flexure-Based Hexapod with Economical Actuation, Sensing and Kinematics (2024)In Proceedings of the 39th ASPE Annual Meeting. Uitbeijerse, J., Nijenhuis, M. & Brouwer, D. M.


Derivation of a superelement with deformable interfaces – applied to model flexure joint (2023)Multibody system dynamics, 59, 485-508. Dwarshuis, K., Ellenbroek, M., Aarts, R. & Brouwer, D. Optimization of Underactuated Flexure-Based Grippers (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2023. Okken, B., Dekker, J. P., de Jong, J. & Brouwer, D. M. Computation of Large Deformation of Spatial Flexure-Based Mechanisms in Design Optimizations (2023)Journal of mechanisms and robotics, 15(2). Article 021011 . Dwarshuis, K., Aarts, R., Ellenbroek, M. & Brouwer, D. of a redimensionable and economic flexure-based 6-DOF manipulator demonstrator (2023)[Thesis › EngD Thesis]. University of Twente. Koers, T. M.Beams with a Varying Cross Section in the Generalized Strain Formulation for Flexure Modeling (2023)Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics, 18(3), 1-14. Article 031001. Dwarshuis, K., Aarts, R., Ellenbroek, M. & Brouwer, D. LC: A Flexure-Based Hexapod with a Simplified Kinematic Structure (2023)In Proceedings - ASPE 2023 Annual Meeting (pp. 99-102). American Society for Precision Engineering. Koers, T. M., Nijenhuis, M. & Brouwer, D. M.


Beam-based analysis of flexure mechanisms: Increasing computational efficiency, accuracy and design freedom (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Dwarshuis, K. multinode superelement in the generalized strain formulation (2022)Multibody system dynamics, 56, 367-399. Dwarshuis, K., Ellenbroek, M., Aarts, R. & Brouwer, D. Flexure-Based Linear Guide With Torsion Reinforcement Structures (2022)Journal of mechanisms and robotics, 14(3). Article 031013. Rommers, J., Naves, M., Brouwer, D. M. & Herder, J. L. stress concentrations by constant curvature flexure mechanisms (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 22nd International Conference & Exhibition, EUSPEN 2022. de Jong, J. J. & Brouwer, D. M.Gravity Balancing Flexure Spring Mechanisms for Shoulder Support in Assistive Orthoses (2022)IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 4(2), 448-459. Tschiersky, M., Hekman, E. E. G., Herder, J. L. & Brouwer, D. M. massively overconstrained and statically balanced flexure mechanism for a 20 kN load capacity (2022)In Proceedings - ASPE 2022 Annual Meeting (pp. 98-101). American Society for Precision Engineering. de Jong, J. J., Nijenhuis, M. & Brouwer, D. M.High torsion stiffness leafspring flexure element using distributed warping constraints (2022)In European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Conference Proceedings - 22nd International Conference and Exhibition, EUSPEN 2022 (pp. 119-122). EUSPEN. Nijenhuis, M., Naves, M. & Brouwer, D.


Computation of internal stress resultants in beam elements with constrained torsional warping (2021)In Proceedings of the10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on MULTIBODY DYNAMICS (pp. 68-79). Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Dwarshuis, K., Nijenhuis, M., Aarts, R. G. K. M., Ellenbroek, M. H. M. & Brouwer, D. M.Data underlying the publication: A flexure-based linear guide with torsion reinforcement structures (2021)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Rommers, J., Naves, M., Brouwer, D. M. & Herder, J. L. Support Stiffness of Flexure Mechanisms by Statically Balancing (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering, ASPE 2021. de Jong, J., Theans, S., Epping, L. & Brouwer, D. M.T-Flex: A fully flexure-based large range of motion precision hexapod (2021)Precision engineering, 72, 912-928. Naves, M., Nijenhuis, M., Seinhorst, B., Hakvoort, W. & Brouwer, D. M. and optimization of large stroke flexure mechanisms (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Naves, M.


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