Computer Science
- Design
- Robot
- User
- Social Robot
- Computer
- Contexts
- Roles
- Children
Improvisation Theatre as HRI simulation tool (2024)In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Movement and Computing: MOCO 2024 Beyond Control. Article 5 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Dertien, E., Reidsma, D. & Van Delden, R. Metrics to Experiences: Investigating How Sport Data Shapes the Social Context, Self-Determination and Motivation of Athletes (2024)Interacting with computers (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Postma, D., van Delden, R., Reidsma, D. & Karahanoglu, A. Challenges in SportsHCI (2024)In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24). Article 312. ACM SigCHI. Elvitigala, D. S., Karahanoğlu, A., Matviienko, A., Vidal, L. T., Postma, D. B. W., Jones, M., Montoya, M., Harrison, D., Elbæk, L., Daiber, F., Burr, L. A., Patinba, R., Bruno, P., Hämäläinen, P., van Delden, R., Bernhaupt, R., Ren, X., van Rheden, V., Zambetta, F., … Mueller, F. '. it just a score? Understanding Training Load Management Practices Beyond Sports Tracking (2024)In CHI ’24. Article 313. ACM Press. Karahanoğlu, A., Coskun, A., Postma, D., Scheltinga, B. L., Gouveia, R., Reidsma, D. & Reenalda, J. volleyball training: empowering athletes and coaches through advanced sensing and analysis (2024)Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 6. Article 1326807. Salim, F. A., Postma, D. B. W., Haider, F., Luz, S., van Beijnum, B.-J. F. & Reidsma, D.
Drone-Driven Running: Exploring the Opportunities for Drones to Support Running Well-being through a Review of Running and Drone Interaction Technologies (2023)In HAI 2023: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (pp. 209-220) (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Balasubramaniam, A., Reidsma, D. & Heylen, D., Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play (2023)In CHI PLAY Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 231-234). ACM SigCHI. Delden, R. v., Reidsma, D., Postma, D., Weijdom, J., Segura, E. M., Turmo Vidal, L., Vega-Cebrián, J. M., Tajadura-Jiménez, A., Waern, A., Park, S., Hämäläinen, P., Font, J. M., Johnsson, M., Rasmussen, L. S. & Elbæk, L. Cost of Reward: A Critical Reflection on the `What', `How', and `Why' of Gamification for Motivation in Sports (2023)In CHI PLAY Companion '23: Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 222–224). ACM SigCHI. Postma, D., Karahanoğlu, A., Delden, R. v. & Reidsma, D. Runners' Preferences of Drone Based Feedback to Support their Well-Being (2023)In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference of the Greece ACM SIGCHI Chapter, CHIGreece 2023. Article 10 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Balasubramaniam, A., Reidsma, D., Obaid, M. & Heylen, D. An Interactive Smart Mirror for Motivating Handwashing Among Primary School Children (2023)In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023: 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference, York, UK, August 28 – September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 234-253) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14143). Springer. Postma, D. B. W., Ranasinghe, C. M., Constantinou, C., Diks, V. P. G., Rhee, Y., van Dijk, W. H. P., Sassanian, A. & Reidsma, D.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191211650 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Project
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201100179 - Graduation Project
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta Software Technology
- 201400462 - Internship S&C
- 201800234 - Foundations of Interaction Technology
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202001444 - Placement Course for Exchange EEMCS
- 202001613 - MSc Final Project BIT + CS
- 202200102 - Human-Robot Communication
- 202200116 - Capita Selecta Robotics
- 202200119 - Academic Skills Project
- 202200120 - Internship ROB
- 202200122 - MSc-Thesis Project
- 202200131 - Introduction to CreaTe
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202400411 - Design and Research of User Experience
- 202400412 - Data Analysis for CreaTe
- 202400413 - Professional Development M6
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191211650 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Project
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201100179 - Graduation Project
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta Software Technology
- 201400462 - Internship S&C
- 201600017 - Final Project Preparation
- 201800234 - Foundations of Interaction Technology
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900200 - Final Project EMSYS
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202001444 - Placement Course for Exchange EEMCS
- 202001613 - MSc Final Project BIT + CS
- 202001614 - MSc Final Project CS + I-Tech
- 202001616 - Research Topics CS + I-TECH
- 202200116 - Capita Selecta Robotics
- 202200119 - Academic Skills Project
- 202200120 - Internship ROB
- 202200122 - MSc-Thesis Project
- 202200131 - Introduction to Create
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300342 - Internship ROB/I-TECH
- 202300349 - Internship ROB/ME
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