Material Science
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- Surface
- Friction
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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022
Influence of environment on wetting properties of common polymers for Skin-Device Interfaces (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Dutch Biomedical Engineering Conference 2025. Reuvekamp, H., Hekman, E. E. G., van der Heide, E. & Matthews, D. T. A.Pore formation and pore inter-connectivity in plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on aluminium alloy (2025)Surface and coatings technology, 496. Article 131597. Adelinia, A., Yerokhin, A., Matthews, D. T. A., de Rooij, M. B. & Zanjani, J. S. M.
Laser implantation of ceramic particles for enhanced surface textures on tool steel (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ettema, B. R. implantation of ceramics particles for enhanced surface textures on tool steel (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. Ettema, B. R., Matthews, D. T. A. & Römer, G. R. B. E.How To Predict Truck Tyre Wear (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 15th Fall Rubber Colloquium: KHK. Hoeksma, M., Kaewsakul, W., van der Heide, E., Matthews, D. T. A. & Blume, A.Insights in the wettability of hard chromium coated steel for cold rolling applications (2024)Results in Engineering, 23. Article 102815. Ranjbar Nouri, Z., Matthews, D. T. A., Bolt, H. & de Rooij, M. B. Feature Size in Laser Implantation Texturing (2024)Micromachines, 15(8). Article 958. Ettema, B., Matthews, D. & Römer, G.-w. Metal-Thermoplastic Bonding by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MS3 DAY 2024. Adelinia, A., Yerokhin, A., Matthews, D. T. A., de Rooij, M. B. & Seyyed Monfared Zanjani, J.Room-temperature sputter deposition of gold-colored TiN assisted by niobium bombardment from a bipolar HiPIMS source (2024)Journal of vacuum science & technology A: vacuum, surfaces, and films, 42(2). Article 023107. Fernández-Martinez, I., Ganesan, R., Akhavan, B., Matthews, D. T. A., Stueber, M., Bilek, M. M. M. & McKenzie, D. R. in surface engineering for the regulation of microclimates in skin-medical product interactions (2024)Heliyon, 10(4). Article e25395. Reuvekamp, H., Hekman, E. E. G., Heide, E. v. d. & Matthews, D. T. A. effect of coating characteristics on implant-bone interface mechanics (2024)Journal of biomechanics, 163. Article 111949. Sánchez, E., de Vries, E., Matthews, D., van der Heide, E. & Janssen, D.
Friction of biomechanical interfaces (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. de Vries, E. G. substrate provided with tailored surface textures and method for applying such textures on metal substrates (2023)[Patent › Patent]. Baart, P., Bottema, J. & Matthews, D. T. A.Interface Optimization in Metal-Thermoplastic Hybrid Joints: The Effect of Surface Treatment (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MS3 Day 2023. Adelinia, A., Seyyed Monfared Zanjani, J., Matthews, D. T. A. & de Rooij, M. B.Tribological behaviour of a synthetic synovial fluid and polyurethane in biomedical implants (2023)Biotribology, 33-34. Article 100242. de Vries, E. G., van Minnen, B. S., Wu, Y., Matthews, D. T. A. & van der Heide, E. length selection in bipolar HiPIMS for high deposition rate of smooth, hard amorphous carbon films (2023)Surface and coatings technology, 454. Article 129199. Ganesan, R., Fernández-Martinez, I., Akhavan, B., Matthews, D. T. A., Sergachev, D., Stueber, M., McKenzie, D. R. & Bilek, M. M. M. Microclimates in Biomedical Product Interfaces by Surface Engineering (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Dutch Biomedical Engineering conference, BME 2023. Reuvekamp, H., Hekman, E. E. G., Matthews, D. T. A. & van der Heide, E.Atomic configuration, electronic structure, and work of adhesion of TiN(111)//B2-NiTi(110) and TiN(111)//B19′-NiTi(010) interfaces: Insights from first-principles simulations (2023)Surface and interface analysis, 55(1), 41-51. Xie, D., Wang, X., Wei, L., Zhang, R., Ganesan, R., Matthews, D. T. A. & Leng, Y.
Advancement of plasma electrolytic oxidation towards non-valve metals (2022)Surface and coatings technology, 442. Article 128403. Nie, X., Cai, R., Zhao, C., Sun, J., Zhang, J. & Matthews, D. T. A. of titanium films on complex bowl-shaped workpieces using DCMS and HiPIMS (2022)Surface and coatings technology, 442. Article 128192. Xie, D., Wei, L. J., Liu, H. Y., Zhang, K., Leng, Y. X., Matthews, D. T. A., Ganesan, R. & Su, Y. Y.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191155710 - Surface Technology
- 191155720 - Surface Technology and Tribology - C.S.
- 192850870 - Surface Engineering for Look and Feel
- 192890100 - Industrial Design - Capita Selecta
- 192899720 - Master Ass.; Emerging Technology Design
- 195799152 - Internship
- 200900009 - Capita Selecta ETD
- 201000159 - Durability of Consumer Products
- 201300244 - Capita Selecta Master IDE
- 201600157 - Design of Product Surfaces - CS
- 202000174 - Materials
- 202000224 - Bachelor Thesis Project
- 202000226 - Scientific Challenges IDE
- 202000250 - Internship
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191155710 - Surface Technology
- 191155720 - Surface Technology and Tribology - C.S.
- 191199152 - Internship
- 192850870 - Surface Engineering for Look and Feel
- 192890100 - Industrial Design - Capita Selecta
- 192899720 - Master Ass.; Emerging Technology Design
- 195799152 - Internship
- 200900009 - Capita Selecta ETD
- 201000159 - Durability of Consumer Products
- 201300244 - Capita Selecta Master IDE
- 201600157 - Design of Product Surfaces - CS
- 202000174 - Materials
- 202000224 - Bachelor Thesis Project
- 202000226 - Scientific Challenges IDE
- 202000250 - Internship
- 202100313 - Nature Inspired Design & Engineering
- 202300353 - Internship (CSE/SET)

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