Medicine and Dentistry
- Analysis
- COVID-19
- Cholera
- Epidemic
- Experience
Computer Science
- Digital System
- Response Effort
- Roles
Flexible scan statistic with a restricted likelihood ratio for optimized COVID-19 surveillance (2024)Geospatial health, 19(2). Article 1265. Akyereko, E., Osei, F. B., Nyarko, K. M. & Stein, A.
The role of digital surveillance during outbreaks: the Ghana experience from COVID‑19 response (2023)Journal of Public Health in Africa, 14(10). Article a78. Owusu, I., Kwarteng Acheampong, G., Akyereko, E., Aryeetey Agyei, N., Ashong, M., Amofa, I., Mpangah, R. A., Kenu, E., Aboagye, R. G., Adu, C. & Agyemang, K. Study of an Epidemic Vibrio cholerae in the Central Region of Ghana (2023)OAlib, 10. Article e10603. Kwarteng Acheampong, G., Owusu, I., Zumah, F., Akyereko, E. & Mpangah, R. A. for future outbreaks in Ghana: An overview of current COVID-19, monkeypox, and Marburg disease outbreaks (2023)Health Promotion Perspectives, 13(3), 202-211. Owusu, I., Adu, C., Aboagye, R. G., Mpangah, R. A., Acheampong, G. K., Akyereko, E., Bonsu, E. O. & Peprah, P. of knowledge and treatment practices of hepatitis B infection in children among health professionals in Krachi districts in Ghana: a cross-sectional study (2023)Journal of Public Health in Africa, 14(8). Article 2469. Mpangah, R. A., Akyereko, E., Acheampong, G. K., Ansah-Nyarko, M., Owusu, I. & Sarfo, B.