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Developing strategic targeted interaction design to enhance disaster resilience of vulnerable communities (2024)Natural hazards, 120(1), 547-580. Hendriks, E. & Stokmans, M.
Digitalization in disaster risk reduction: The use of smartphones to enhance the safety of informal settlements in Iringa, Tanzania (2023)International journal of disaster risk science (IJDRS), 14(2), 171-182. Sechi, G. J., Hendriks, E. & Pregnolato, M.
Heard enough from 'David', 'John' and 'Michael'? How to make disaster studies more inclusive! (2022)[Non-textual form › Web publication/site]. Emerald. Hendriks, E., Kmoch, L. M. & Fuentealba, R. seismic risk awareness among construction stakeholders: The case of Iringa (Tanzania) (2022)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 82. Article 103299. Sechi, G. J., Lopane, F. D. & Hendriks, E. editorial: Emerging voices and pathways to inclusive disaster studies (2022)Disaster prevention and management, 31(2), 101-103. Hendriks, E., Kmoch, L. M., Mulder, F. & Fuentealba, R. editorial: Exploring inclusive publishing practices with early career disaster-studies researchers (2022)Disaster prevention and management, 31(1), 1-9. Hendriks, E., Kmoch, L. M., Mulder, F. & Fuentealba, R. influence of technical assistance and funding on perceptions of post-disaster housing safety after the 2015 Gorkha earthquakes in Nepal (2022)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 73. Article 102906. Hendriks, E. & Opdyke, A.
Adoption of seismic-resistant techniques in reconstructed housing in the aftermath of Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake (2021)Earthquake spectra, 37(4), 2662-2686. Hendriks, E. & Opdyke, A. Local Building Practices in Response (2021)In Roadmap for research : A Collaborative Research Framework for Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements Assistance. USAID/BHA. Crété, E., Opdyke, A., Moles, O., Joshi, L., Hosta, J., Yadav, S., Maskey, P. N., Sieffert, Y., Hendriks, E., Rakotonirina, M., Guragain, R., Garnier, P. & Flinn, B.The influence of technical assistance on the adoption of safer construction practices in Nepal (2021)In Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: From Humanitarian Architecture to Community Resilience (pp. 59-81). Elsevier. Hendriks, E., Schep, B. & Van Leersum, A.
Drivers and barriers for the adoption of hazard-resistant construction knowledge in Nepal: Applying the motivation, ability, opportunity (MAO) theory (2020)International journal of disaster risk reduction, 51. Hendriks, E. & Stokmans, M. adoption in post-disaster housing self-recovery (2020)Disaster prevention and management, 29(6), 849-864. Hendriks, E. & Opdyke, A. knowledge adoption in post-disaster reconstruction (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation external]. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Hendriks, E.

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