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Material Science
- Thin Films
- Ferroelectric Material
- Piezoelectricity
- Devices
- Film
- Capacitor
- Ferroelectricity
- Substrates
Enhanced Piezoelectricity by Polarization Rotation through Thermal Strain Manipulation in PbZr0.6Ti0.4O3 Thin Films (2024)Advanced materials interfaces, 11(19). Article 2400048. Huang, S., Houwman, E., Gauquelin, N., Orekhov, A., Chezganov, D., Verbeeck, J., Hu, S., Zhong, G., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. Design Rules for Multilayer Ferroelectric Energy Storage Capacitors – A Study Based on Lead-Free and Relaxor-Ferroelectric/Paraelectric Multilayer Devices (2024)Advanced materials, 36(26). Article 2402070. Nguyen, M. D., Houwman, E. P., Birkhölzer, Y. A., Vu, H. N., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. the effect of the Schottky barrier on the energy storage performance of ferroelectric multilayers (2024)Journal of alloys and compounds, 981. Article 173758. Sun, Z., Houwman, E. P., Wang, S., Nguyen, M. D., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. a perovskite oxide buffer layer on Ca2Nb3O10 nanosheets for the epitaxial growth of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 for electrode-free thin films (2024)Thin solid films, 790. Article 140190. Nunnenkamp, M., Perez, D., Smithers, M., Houwman, E., Rijnders, G. & Koster, G.
Structure evolution of the interfacial layer of BaTiO3 thin films during annealing process and related good resistive switching behaviors (2023)APL materials, 11(10). Article 101129. Sun, Z., Huang, S., Zhu, W., Birkhölzer, Y. A., Gao, X., Avila, R. A., Huang, H., Lou, X., Houwman, E. P., Nguyen, M. D., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. of a niobium-doped PZT interfacial layer thickness on the properties of epitaxial PMN-PT thin films (2023)Journal of Applied Physics, 133(14). Article 145302. Boota, M., Houwman, E. P., Lanzara, G. & Rijnders, G. the importance of the SrTiO3 template and the electronic contact layer for the integration of phase-pure low hysteretic Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3-PbTiO3 layers with Si (2023)Applied physics A: Materials science and processing, 129(4). Article 275. Ni, S., Houwman, E., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G.
Relaxor ferroelectric PMN-PT thin films for low hysteretic microelectronic devices (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ni, S. the Energy-Storage Density and Breakdown Strength in PbZrO3/Pb0.9La0.1Zr0.52Ti0.48O3-Derived Antiferroelectric/Relaxor-Ferroelectric Multilayers (2022)Advanced energy materials, 12(29). Article 2200517. Nguyen, M. D., Birkhölzer, Y. A., Houwman, E. P., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G. effects on the polarization response of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films—an experimental study and theoretical analysis (2022)In Epitaxial Growth of Complex Metal Oxides: Second Edition (pp. 137-155). Elsevier. Houwman, E. P., Okkerman, L., Do, M. T., Koster, G. & Rijnders, G.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202300029 - Radiation Protection Expertise
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 193700040 - AMM- Inorganic Materials Science
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202000741 - Organic & Bio-organic Chemistry
- 202001528 - Master Thesis DD Parma
- 202300029 - Radiation Protection Expertise
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
Universiteit Twente
Carré (gebouwnr. 15), kamer C3215
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Carré C3215
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
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