
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Hazard
    • Volcanology
    • Volcanic Eruption
    • Volcano
    • Population Exposure
    • Investigation
    • Built Environment
    • Lava Flow



Lava flow impacts on the built environment: insights from a new global dataset, Article 1 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Meredith, E. s., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Lallemant, D., Deligne, N. i. & Teng, N. r. x. to: How well do concentric radii approximate population exposure to volcanic hazards?, Article 16. Biass, S., Jenkins, S. F., Hayes, J. L., Williams, G. T., Meredith, E. S., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Lerner, G. A., Burgos, V., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A. well do concentric radii approximate population exposure to volcanic hazards?, Article 3. Biass, S., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Williams, G. t., Meredith, E. s., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Lerner, G. a., Burgos, V., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A.
Integrating criticality concepts into road network disruption assessments for volcanic eruptions. Hayes, J. l., Biass, S., Jenkins, S. f., Meredith, E. s. & Williams, G. t. assessment for the 2018 lower East Rift Zone lava flows of Kīlauea volcano, Hawai. Meredith, E. s., Jenkins, S. f., Hayes, J. l., Deligne, N. i., Lallemant, D., Patrick, M. & Neal, C. and ranking Southeast Asia's exposure to explosive volcanic hazards, 1233-1265. Jenkins, S. f., Biass, S., Williams, G. t., Hayes, J. l., Tennant, E., Yang, Q., Burgos, V., Meredith, E. s., Lerner, G. a., Syarifuddin, M. & Verolino, A. anecdotes to quantification: advances in characterizing volcanic eruption impacts on the built environment. Deligne, N. i., Jenkins, S. f., Meredith, E. s., Williams, G. t., Leonard, G. s., Stewart, C., Wilson, T. m., Biass, S., Blake, D. m., Blong, R. j., Bonadonna, C., Calderon b., R., Hayes, J. l., Johnston, D. m., Kennedy, B. m., Magill, C. r., Spence, R., Wallace, K. l., Wardman, J., … Zuccaro, G.



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