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Ernst Bohlmeijer is afgestudeerd in 2007 op het onderwerp: de gevolgen van life-review over depressie bij ouderen. Sinds 2007 werkte hij als universitair hoofddocent en sinds 2011 als hoogleraar bij de vakgroep Psychologie, Gezondheid & Technologie aan de faculteit Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences aan de Universiteit Twente. Zijn onderzoek bestaat uit twee hoofdthema's: 1) bevordering van geestelijke gezondheid, 2) het gebruik van (e) technologie in de (geestelijke) gezondheidszorg. Hij heeft een bijzondere interesse in de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van innovatieve (web-based) interventies in de gezondheidszorg. In de afgelopen jaren was hij hoofdonderzoeker en begeleider van ruim 12 gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studies. Hij ontwikkelde 8 interventies ter verbetering van de veerkracht en het welzijn en het verminderen van stress op basis van de positieve psychologie, acceptance and commitment therapy en compassie gericht therapie. Sinds 2012 (co-) publiceerde Ernst Bohlmeijer meer dan 80 peer-reviewed papers en drie wetenschappelijke boeken. Hij was redacteur van het Nederlands Handboek van Positive Psychology. Sinds 2000 behaalde hij meer dan 10 beurzen uit Nederland organisatie voor gezondheidsonderzoek en zorginnovatie (ZonMw) en andere wetenschappelijke fondsen.


  • Hoofd afdeling Technology of Human and Institutional Behaviour

Meer informatie over Ernst Bohlmeijer op de 'Featured Scientists' pagina van de UT:


  • Psychology

    • Wellbeing
    • Mental Health
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Positive Psychology
    • Groups
    • Treatment
    • Evaluation




Effectiveness of a positive psychology and mindfulness-based app on mental health for parents of children with a neurodevelopmental disorder: study protocol of a pragmatic international randomized controlled trial (2024)Trials, 25. Article 412. Tönis, K., Drossaert, S. C. H. C., ten Klooster, P. M., Schaer, M., Bourgeron, T., Buitelaar, J. K., Sadaka, Y., Freitag, C. M., Mayer Lapidus, K., Chiocchetti, A. G., Staal, W. & Bohlmeijer, E. T. the Benefits and Acceptance of Blended Positive Psychotherapy as an Adjunctive Treatment for Clients with Residual Depressive Symptoms: A Mixed-Method Study (2024)Journal of contemporary psychotherapy, 54(4), 315-325. Vergeer-Hagoort, F., Kraiss, J. T., Drossaert, C. H. C. & Bohlmeijer, E. T. Mental Well-Being in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic with a Digital Multicomponent Positive Psychology Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2024)Journal of happiness studies, 25(7). Article 86. Tönis, K. J. M., Kraiss, J. T., Drossaert, C. H. C., Karreman, J., Oostinga, M. S. D., Kloos, N., Austin, J. & Bohlmeijer, E. T. and potential benefit of a self-compassion intervention for people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a mixed methods pilot study (2024)Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Sommers-Spijkerman, M., Zwarts-Engelbert, A., Kruitwagen-Van Reenen, E., Van Eijk, R. P. A., Visser-Meily, J. M. A., Heijmans, E., Austin, J., Drossaert, C., Bohlmeijer, E. & Beelen, A. which intervention works better for whom: Moderators of treatment effect of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Positive Psychology Intervention in patients with bipolar disorder (2024)Journal of Affective Disorders, 360, 79-87. Hanssen, I., ten Klooster, P., Kraiss, J., Huijbers, M., Regeer, E., Kupka, R., Bohlmeijer, E. & Speckens, A. mental health dynamics during eating disorder treatment: A psychometric network study with panel data (2024)Psychotherapy Research, 34(6), 790-803. de Vos, J. A., Radstaak, M., ten Klooster, P. M., Bohlmeijer, E. T. & Westerhof, G. J. to live well with a myocardial infarction? Preliminary results of a mixed method case study of a compassion-based positive psychology intervention (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, ECPP 2024. Tönis, K., Kraiss, J. T., Toivonen, H., Linssen, G. C. & Bohlmeijer, E. T.Integration of Sensor-Based Technology in Mental Healthcare: A Systematic Scoping Review (2024)Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Bosch, R., Noordzij, M. L., Westerhof, G. J. & Bohlmeijer, E. T., Recruitment, Dropout, and Acceptability of the Strength Back Digital Health Intervention for Patients Undergoing Spinal Surgery: Nonrandomized, Qualitative, and Quantitative Pilot Feasibility Study (2024)JMIR Formative Research, 8. Article 54600. van der Horst, A., Meijer, L., van Os-Medendorp, H., Jukema, J. S., Bohlmeijer, E., Schreurs, K. M. G. & Kelders, S. of compassion-focused therapy for self-criticism in patients with personality disorders: a multiple baseline case series study (2024)Personality and mental health, 18(1), 69-79. Pol, S. M., de Jong, A., Trompetter, H., Bohlmeijer, E. T. & Chakhssi, F.

Overige bijdragen

Selectie van publicaties

  • Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., ten Have, M., Lamers, S.M.A., de Graaf, R., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016). The longitudinal relationship between flourishing mental health and incident mood, anxiety and substance use disorders. The European Journal of Public Health, doi:.10.1093/eurpub/ckw202. (advance access).
  • Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Drossaert, C.H.C., Pieterse, M.E., Walburg, J.A., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016). Efficacy of a multicomponent positive psychology self-help intervention: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 4,3: e105.
  • Weiss, L.A., Westerhof, G.J., Bohlmeijer,E.T. (2016). Can we increase psychological well-being? The effects of interventions on psychological well-being: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Plos ONE 11:e0158092
  • Derks, P.M.J., Westerhof, G.J., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016). A meta-analysis on the association between emotional awareness and borderline personality pathology. Journal of Personality Disorders, 30: 1-23.
  • Trompetter, H.R., de Kleine, E., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016). Why does positive mental health buffer against psychopathology? An explanatory study on self-compassion as a resilience mechanism and adaptive emotion regulation strategy. Cognitive Therapy and Research, special issue, article in press.
  • Spijkerman, M.P.J., Pots, W.T.M., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016). Effectiveness of online mindfulness-based interventions in improving mental health: a review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Psychology Review, 45: 102-114.
  • Trompetter, H.R., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Lamers, S.M.A., Schreurs, K.M.G. (2016). Positive psychological well-being is required for online self-help acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain to be effective. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 353.
  • Veehof, M.M., Trompetter, H.R., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Schreurs, K.M.G. (2016). Acceptance- and mindfulness-based interventions for the treatment of chronic pain: a meta-analytic review. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 45: 5-31.
  • Pots, W.T.M., Fledderus, M., Meulenbeek, P.A.M., Klooster, P.M. ten., Schreurs, K.M.G., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2016) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a web-based intervention for depressive symptomatology: a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208: 69-77.
  • Kelders, S.M., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Pots, W.T.M., van Gemert-Pijnen, J.E.W.C. (2015). Comparing human and automated support for depression: a randomized, fractional, factorial randomized trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 72: 72-80.
  • Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Pieterse, M.E., Drossaert, C.H.C., Westerhof, G.J., Graaf, R. de., Have, M. ten., Walburg, J.A., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). What factors are associated with flourishing? Results from a large representative national sample. Journal of Happiness Studies. DOI: 10.1007/s10902-015-9647-3.
  • Trompetter, H.R., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Fox, J.P., Schreurs, K.M.G. (2015). Psychological flexibility and catastrophizing as associated change mechanisms during online Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for chronic pain. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 74: 50-59.
  • Lamers, S.M.A., Westerhof, G.J., Glas, C.A.W., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). The bidirectional relation between positive mental health and psychopathology in a longitudinal representative panel study. Journal of Positive Psychology, 10: 553-560.
  • Bohlmeijer, E.T., Lamers, S.M.A., Fledderus, M. (2015). Flourishing in people with depressive symptomatology increases with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Post-hoc analyses of a randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 65: 101-106.
  • Bruggen, V., van; Vos, J., Westerhof, G.J., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Glas, G. (2015). Systematic review of existential anxiety instruments. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 55: 173-201.
  • Meulenbeek, P., Christenhusz, L., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). Well-being therapy in the Netherlands; letter to the editor. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84: 316-317.
  • Kohle, N., Drossaert, C.H.C., Schreurs, K.M.G., Hagedoorn, M., Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). A web-based self-help intervention for partners of cancer patients based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 15: 303.
  • Kohle, N., Drossaert, C.H.C., Oosterik, S., Schreurs, K.M.G., Hagedoorn, M., Uden-Kraan, C.F. van, Verdonck-deLeeuw, I.M., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). Needs and preferences of cancer patients regarding a web-based psychological intervention: a qualitative study. JMIR cancer 1 (2).
  • Kohle, N., Drossaert, C.H.C., Schreurs, K.M.G., Hagedoorn, M., Uden-Kraan, C.F. van, Verdonck-deLeeuw, I.M., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). User-centered design: development of a web-based self-help intervention for partners of cancer patients. Psycho-oncology, 24 (suppl. 2), 122-123.
  • Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Drossaert., C.H.C., Pieterse, M.E., Walburg, J.A., Bohlmeijer, E.T. (2015). Efficacy of a multicomponent positive psychology self-help intervention: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 4 (3) e105.
  • Trompetter, H.R., Bohlmeijer, E.T., Veehof, M.M. & Schreurs, K.M.G. (2014). Internet-based guided self-help intervention for chronic pain based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of behavioral medicine38: 66-80.


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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Lopende onderzoeksprojecten o.a.

  • Vincent van Bruggen – development and evaluation of existential concerns questionnaire – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Glas (VU).
  • Youri Derks – development and evaluation of sensor technology for emotion regulation in people with personality disorders – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof and dr. M. Noordzij.
  • Romy Klein – evaluation of positive diagnostics and treatment of mental disorders – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof and dr. K. van Doesum.
  • Eva Feringa – development and evaluation of interventions aiming at resilience and mental health in organizations – in samenwerking met dr. E. Geuze and dr. M. Schotanus-Dijkstra.
  • Jochem Goldberg – positive education in primary schools – in samenwerking met prof. dr. K. Schreurs and dr. A. Clarke.
  • Marion Spijkerman – evaluation of intervention based on compassion focused therapy for people with stress and self-criticism – in samenwerking met prof. dr. K. Schreurs and dr. H. Trompetter.
  • Sander de Vos – psychological well-being in the context of treatment of eating disorders – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof and dr. M. Radstaak.
  • Bart Geerling – the application of positive psychology as m-health in people with bipolar disorder – in samenwerking met prof. dr. R. Kupka and dr. S. Kelders.
  • Noortje Kloos – evaluation of intervention for nursing homes based on self-determination to enhance well-being – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof.
  • Maartje Witlox – evaluation of online ACT for anxiety of older adults – in samenwerking met prof. dr. P. Spinhoven (RUL).
  • Katinka Franken – the relationship between psychopathology and well-being in clinical populations – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof and dr. S. Lamers.
  • Renate Willems – self-compassion and informal care and treatment – in samenwerking met dr. P. Vuijk and dr. S. Drossaert.
  • Annemieke ter Horst – Psychological, ACT-based intervention for people undergoing pain operations – in samenwerking met prof. dr. K. Schreurs.
  • Silvia Pol – the use of narratives and life-stories in the treatment and evaluation of treatment of people with personality disorders – in samenwerking met prof. dr. G. Westerhof and dr. A. Sools.
  • Tom Hendriks – development and evaluation of a positive psychological resilience program for Surinam workers – in samenwerking met prof. J. de Jong (UVA).
  • Annika Walker – Acceptance and commitment therapy as treatment of depression in pregnant women – in samenwerking met prof. dr. F. Schellevis and dr. J. Henrichs (VUMC).
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