Prof. dr. Esther Turnhout is chair of Science, Technology and Society at the Section of Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS), University of Twente, The Netherlands. She is an interdisciplinary social scientist with expertise in science and technology studies, environmental studies, and political science. Her research and teaching concerns the interactions between science, diverse knowledge systems, policy, and society with a specific focus on issues of nature, biodiveristy, and sustainability. She is commited to exploring and improving the contribution of science, education, and knowledge to needed transformations in policy, society and economy for human and non-human wellbeing en flourishing. She has published numerous articles on the biodiversity science-policy interface and other topics in high impact journals and she is also the first author of the book Environmental Expertise: Connecting Science, Policy and Society’ with Cambridge University Press. She plays several active roles in the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and was an author of the IPBES Global Assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services and the IPBES Transformative Change assessment. 


The following news items appeared after the launch of the IPBES Transformative Change asessment 18 December 2024:

147 landen zijn het erover eens: herstel van de natuur is oplossing voor zeker vijf wereldwijde problemen. Trouw, 18 December 2024

IPBES Namibië met Esther Turnhout, Interview Vroege Vogels, 15 December (start: 01.19.35)

Huidige vorm van natuurbescherming is ontoereikend. NRC, 18 December

Natuurbescherming moet radicaal anders, stelt nieuw VN rapport. De Volkskrant, 19 December. 

The BioTraCes project has been featured at the International Architecture Bienale Rotterdam 2024 'The Nature of Hope' with a video installation in the main show and a presentation in the closing symposium


Turnhout, E. (2024). A better knowledge is possible: transforming environmental science for justice and pluralism. Environmental Science & Policy, 155, 103729.

Turnhout, E. and Lynch C. (2024). Raising the carbonized forest: science and technologies of singularization. Environment and Planning F,


The future of biodiversity: transforming research and practice beyond conservation. Keynote lecture 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) ‘The future of Biodiversity’, 12-16 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany. 


  • Social Sciences

    • Knowledge
    • Science
    • Policy
    • Process
    • Environmental Science
    • Justice
    • Science Policy
    • Materials



  • Endangered Landscapes ProgramMember of Oversight and Selection Panel of the Endangered Landscapes Program
  • Wij.LandBoard member of Wij.Land
  • NWODutch Science Foundation (NWO)
  • European Reserach CouncilEuropean Research Council

I am interested in undertaking and supervising research into the political dimensions and consequences of science and technology in sustainability, climate change, environmental governance, and forest and biodiversity conservation. This research is done with a view to improving the legitimacy and accountability of science and technology, among others by transforming the way knowledge production is done and by including lay and Indigenous knowledge and facilitating participatory and deliberative processes of knowledge co-production. Conceptually and theoretically, my research draws on science & technology studies, policy analysis and political theory, and environmental humanities.



Care narratives: Babassu breakers and mother palm trees (2024)Geoforum, 156. Article 104109. Ressiore C., A., Lima, C. L. S. & Turnhout, E. Langur from Sumatra: Digital Futures, Material Presents and Colonial Pasts (2024)Nuncius, 39(3), 775-788. Weber, A. & Turnhout, E. landscape is a trap: Duck decoys as multispecies atmospheres of deception and betrayal (2024)Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 49(3). Article e12629. van Heijgen, E., Driessen, C. & Turnhout, E. the carbonized forest: Science and technologies of singularization (2024)Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Turnhout, E. & Lynch, C. R. Change Assessment Chapter 1 Evidence Causes Data Data Package (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Krug, R. M., Turnhout, E., Leventon, J., Fern, W., Gurung, J. & Penca, J. better knowledge is possible: Transforming environmental science for justice and pluralism (2024)Environmental science & policy, 155. Article 103729. Turnhout, E. Politics of Amphibiousness: Shifting Coastal Management in the Netherlands (2024)Science, technology & human values (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Meesters, M., Pauwelussen, A. & Turnhout, E.


A research agenda for the science of actionable knowledge: Drawing from a review of the most misguided to the most enlightened claims in the science-policy interface literature (2023)Environmental science & policy, 144, 174-186. Jagannathan, K., Emmanuel, G., Arnott, J., Mach, K. J., Bamzai-Dodson, A., Goodrich, K., Meyer, R., Neff, M., Sjostrom, K. D., Timm, K. M. F., Turnhout, E., Wong-Parodi, G., Bednarek, A. T., Meadow, A., Dewulf, A., Kirchhoff, C. J., Moss, R. H., Nichols, L., Oldach, E., … Klenk, N. salt worlds: causation and material participation (2023)Critical policy studies, 17(2), 297-315. Meesters, M. E., Turnhout, E. & Behagel, J. H.


Ik ben beschikbaar voor interviews en commentaar over onder andere de volgende onderwerpen:

Duurzaamheid, biodiversiteit, natuurbescherming, bosbescherming

Relaties en interacties tussen wetenschap, politiek en samenleving

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

In de pers

147 landen zijn het erover eens: herstel van de natuur is oplossing voor zeker vijf wereldwijde problemen. Trouw, 18 December 2024

IPBES Namibië met Esther Turnhout, Interview Vroege Vogels, 15 December (start: 01.19.35)

Huidige vorm van natuurbescherming is ontoereikend. NRC, 18 December

Natuurbescherming moet radicaal anders, stelt nieuw VN rapport. De Volkskrant, 19 December. 

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