Social Sciences
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- Conceptualization
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- University Students
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Computer Science
- Engineering Student
Bridging Course: Why, How, and First Impressions (2024)In INDRUM2024 : Fifth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (pp. 92-101) (Accepted/In press). Lanting, L. S., Kula, F., ten Klooster, L. R. & van der Zaag, H.Conceptualizing the Sample Mean: Insights for Computer Engineering Students in the Learning Process (2024)IEEE transactions on education, 67(4), 574-581. Kula, F., Litvak, N. & Craig, T. S. the Transition to University Mathematics with Learning Analytics (2024)In LAK 24: The Fourteenth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge: Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities of Learning Analytics Adoption in Higher Education Institutes: A European Perspective. van der Zaag, H. & Kula, F.No exam:assessment of third-year engineering students on the basis of self-generated statistics cases (2024)In Takeaways from Teaching through a Pandemic: Practical Examples of Lasting Value in Tertiary Mathematics Education. Routledge. Litvak, N. & Kula, F.
Enhancing Engineering Students' Mathematics Learning Through Digitised Effective Feedback (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023. Akkaya, T. & Kula, F. Strategies To Promote Engagement And Active Learning Through Digital Course Design In Engineering Mathematics (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023. Kula, F., Horstman, E. M., Lanting, L. S. & Ten Klooster, L. R. the transition: Empowering engineering students to conquer university mathematics with an online course (2023)In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13): Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME (pp. 2431). Kula, F. & Akkaya, T.
Now what? Pedagogical implications of a shift to open book assessment of vector calculus (2022)In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON 2022 (pp. 1903-1909) (IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON; Vol. 2022). IEEE. Craig, T. S., Kula, F. & Akkaya, T. exam: assessment of third-year engineering students on the basis of self-generated Statistics cases (2022)International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53(3), 647-655. Litvak, N. & Kula, F.
Why is it difficult to understand statistical inference?: Reflections on the opposing directions of construction and application of inference framework (2020)Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 39(4), 248-265. Kula, F. & Koçer, R. G.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 202000148 - Statistics
- 202000406 - Statistics
- 202001033 - Statistical Techniques for TCS/BIT
- 202001187 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BIT
- 202001188 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BMT
- 202001189 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for CE
- 202001190 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for TCS
- 202001191 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for CSE
- 202001192 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for IDE
- 202001193 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for IEM
- 202001196 - Calculus 1B for CE
- 202001200 - Calculus 1B for IEM
- 202001202 - Linear Algebra for BIT
- 202001203 - Linear Algebra for BMT
- 202001204 - Linear Algebra for CE
- 202001205 - Linear Algebra for TCS
- 202001206 - Linear Algebra for CSE
- 202001207 - Linear Algebra for IEM
- 202001208 - Linear Algebra for AT
- 202001219 - Calculus 2 for BMT
- 202001220 - Calculus 2 for CE
- 202001221 - Calculus 2 for CSE
- 202001222 - Calculus 2 for IEM
- 202001226 - Vector Calculus for CE
- 202001233 - Probability Theory for TCS/BIT
- 202001237 - Linear Algebra for IDE
- 202300055 - Calculus 1A for ME
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