
  • Social Sciences

    • Project
    • Citizen
    • Energy Transition
    • Socioeconomic Development
  • Computer Science

    • Transitions
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Condition
    • Island
    • Socioeconomics



Innovation pathways of local energy communities for novel renewable energy infrastructures and decentralised markets. Panel 30: The role of new and emerging technologies in the energy transition. Helfrich, F. L.Innovation Pathways of Local Energy Communities for Novel Renewable Energy Infrastructures and -Markets. Session: Governing the Transformation of (Digitalised) Infrastructures. Helfrich, F. L.Innovation pathways of local energy communities for novel renewable energy infrastructures and -markets. Conference track: Governing transitions. Helfrich, F. L.Innovation pathways of local energy communities for novel energy infrastructures and -markets. Panel 37 Interesting participatory processes in science, technology and innovation: conditions, challenges and prospects for bottom-up innovation. Helfrich, F. L.Innovation pathways of local energy communities for novel renewable energy infrastructures and -markets. Parallel Session 3: Energy Communities and Urban Sociotechnical Transformations. Helfrich, F. L.Innovation pathways of local energy communities for novel energy infrastructures and - markets. Session C3 Fabricating the future: Analysing socio-technical visions and expectations in the energy sector. Helfrich, F. L.Description of social, economic & regulatory conditions (SUSTENANCE deliverable 3.1). University of Aalborg. Schillinger, J., Helfrich, F. L., Aukes, E. J., Tummers, L., Votsis, A. & Sanderink, L.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

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