
  • Material Science

    • Graphene
    • Electron Transfer
    • Quantum Dot
    • Silicon Dioxide
    • Carbon Nanotubes
    • Oxidation Reaction
    • Surface (Surface Science)
  • Chemistry

    • Electron Transport




Ultrathin silica layers as separation membranes for artificial photosynthesis (2022)In Ultrathin Oxide Layers for Solar and Electrocatalytic Systems (pp. 298-341) (Energy and Environment Series). Royal Society of Chemistry. Jo, W. J., Zhang, H., Katsoukis, G. & Frei, H.


Controlling and Optimizing Photoinduced Charge Transfer across Ultrathin Silica Separation Membrane with Embedded Molecular Wires for Artificial Photosynthesis (2021)ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13(20), 23532-23546. Zhang, H., Weiss, I., Rudra, I., Jo, W. J., Kellner, S., Katsoukis, G., Galoppini, E. & Frei, H.


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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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