
  • Physics

    • Ultrasound
    • Bubbles
    • Contrast
    • Acoustics
    • Pressure
    • Droplet
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Microbubble
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • In Vitro



Transverse flow under oscillating stimulation in helical square ducts with cochlea-like geometrical curvature and torsion, 165-174. Harte, N. C., Obrist, D., Caversaccio, M., Lajoinie, G. P. R. & Wimmer, W. A Physically Realistic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Simulator—Part I: Numerical Methods, 1 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Blanken, N., Heiles, B., Kuliesh, A., Versuis, M., Jain, K., Maresca, D. & Lajoinie, G. Optical Characterization of Protein-and-Nanoparticleā€“Stabilized Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Drug Release, 1099-1107 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Nawijn, C. L., Segers, T., Lajoinie, G., Berg, S., Snipstad, S., Davies, C. d. L. & Versluis, M. and vaporization of superheated droplets and capsules. University of Twente. Saleem, M. S. of ultrasound velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics for flow assessment in femoral artery stenotic disease, Article 2450001. van de Velde, L., van Helvert, M., Engelhard, S., Ghanbarzadeh-Dagheyan, A., Mirgolbabaee, H., Voorneveld, J., Lajoinie, G., Versluis, M., Reijnen, M. M. P. J. & Jebbink, E. G. Learning Strategies onĀ aĀ Real-World Thyroid Ultrasound DatasetIn Data Augmentation, Labelling, and Imperfections - 3rd MICCAI Workshop, DALI 2023 Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Proceedings (pp. 127-136). Springer. Sreedhar, H., Lajoinie, G. P. R., Raffaelli, C. & Delingette, H. unifying Rayleigh-Plesset-type equation for bubbles in viscoelastic media, 1593-1605. Oratis, A. T., Dijs, K., Lajoinie, G., Versluis, M. & Snoeijer, J. H. of monodisperse microbubble properties for high-precision medical applications. University of Twente. van Elburg, B.
Wall Shear Stress and Pressure Fluctuations under Oscillating Stimulation in Helical Square Ducts with Cochlea-like Geometrical Curvature and TorsionIn 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 1-7). IEEE. Harte, N. C., Obrist, D., Caversaccio, M. D., Lajoinie, G. P. R. & Wimmer, W. of sonoporation efficiency on microbubble size: An in vitro monodisperse microbubble study, 747-755. van Elburg, B., Deprez, J., van den Broek, M., De Smedt, S. C., Versluis, M., Lajoinie, G., Lentacker, I. & Segers, T. unifying Rayleigh-Plesset-type equation for bubbles in viscoelastic media. Oratis, A. T., Dijs, K., Lajoinie, G., Versluis, M. & Snoeijer, J. H. formation by flow focusing: Role of gas and liquid properties, and channel geometry, Article A27. Cleve, S., Lassus, A., Diddens, C., Van Elburg, B., Gaud, E., Cherkaoui, S., Versluis, M., Segers, T. & Lajoinie, G. of sonoporation efficiency on microbubble size: An in vitro monodisperse microbubble study , A277-A277. van Elburg, B., Deprez, J., Van den broek, M., De smedt, S., Versluis, M., Lajoinie, G., Lentacker, I. & Segers, T. in vivo immunotherapy using high intensity focused ultraosund, A278-A278. Lajoinie, G., Engelen, Y., Breckpot, K., Krysko, D., De smedt, S. & Lentacker, I.
Super-Resolved Microbubble Localization in Single-Channel Ultrasound RF Signals Using Deep Learning, 2532-2542. Blanken, N., Wolterink, J. M., Delingette, H., Brune, C., Versluis, M. & Lajoinie, G. theoretical framework for acoustically produced luminescence: From thermometry to ultrasound pressure field mapping, Article 118940. Michels, S. E., Lajoinie, G., Hedayatrasa, S., Versluis, M., Kersemans, M. & Smet, P. F. Flow Quantification with High-Frame-Rate, Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Velocimetry in Stented Aortoiliac Arteries: In Vivo Feasibility, 1518-1527. Engelhard, S., van Helvert, M., Voorneveld, J., Bosch, J. G., Lajoinie, G., Jebbink, E. G., Reijnen, M. M. P. J. & Versluis, M. absolute radius estimation of vibrating contrast microbubbles using an acoustical camera, Article 3993, 3993-4003. Spiekhout, S., Voorneveld, J., Elburg, B. v., Renaud, G., Segers, T., Lajoinie, G. P. R., Versluis, M., Verweij, M. D., de Jong, N. & Bosch, J. G. of Liposome-Loaded Microbubbles as a Theranostic Tool in a Murine Collagen-Induced Arthritis Model, Article 17, 17-23. Deprez, J., Roovers, S., Lajoinie, G., Dewitte, H., Decruy, T., Coudenys, J., Descamps, B., Vanhove, C., Versluis, M., Elewaut, D., Jacques, P., Smedt, S. C. D. & Lentacker, I.
Time-resolved velocity and pressure field quantification in a flow-focusing device for ultrafast microbubble production, Article 114202. Cleve, S., Diddens, C., Segers, T., Lajoinie, G. & Versluis, M. Velocimetry in Participants with Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease, 332-338. Engelhard, S., Helvert, M. v., Voorneveld, J., Bosch, J. G., Lajoinie, G. P. R., Versluis, M., Jebbink, E. G. & Reijnen, M. M. P. J. Drug Delivery With a Clinical Ultrasound System: In Vitro Evaluation, Article 768436. de Maar, J. S., Rousou, C., van Elburg, B., Vos, H. J., Lajoinie, G. P. R., Bos, C., Moonen, C. T. W. & Deckers, R. mass transfer during the growth and dissolution of surface gas bubbles, Article 121069. Peñas, P., Moreno Soto, Á., Lohse, D., Lajoinie, G. & van der Meer, D. and High-Resolution Ultrasound Pressure Field Mapping Using Luminescent Membranes, Article 2100085. Michels, S. E., Kersemans, M., Versluis, M., Lajoinie, G. & Smet, P. F. Microscopy Methods for the Characterization of Fluorescently-labeled Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Drug Release, Article e62251. Nawijn, C., Segers, T., Lajoinie, G., Mørch, Ý., Berg, S., Snipstad, S., de Lange Davies, C. & Versluis, M.


Lopende projecten

Ultrafast plane-wave ultrasound imaging

Ultrasound super-resolution from raw ultrasound data using deep learning

Lab-on-a-Chip Microfluidics.

Ultrasound Therapy with microbubbles.

Ultrasound Imaging.

High-speed imaging.

Voltooide projecten

Multimodal agents: ultrasound and photoacoustics

Phase-change agents for ultrasound.


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