
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Muscle
    • Total Knee Arthroplasty
    • Joint
  • Computer Science

    • Control
    • Design
  • Engineering

    • Joints (Structural Components)
    • Estimation
    • Supports



Estimating Biological Stiffness Without Relying on External Joint Perturbations: A Musculoskeletal Modeling Framework. University of Twente. Cop, C. P. Simultaneous Model-Based Estimation of Joint, Muscle, and Tendon Stiffness is Highly Sensitive to the Tendon Force-Strain Relationship, 1-11. Cop, C. P., Jakubowski, K. L., Schouten, A. C., Koopman, B., Perreault, E. J. & Sartori, M. spatial localization of ankle muscle sites and model-based estimation of joint torque post-stroke via a wearable sensorised leg garment, Article 102808. Simonetti, D., Hendriks, M., Herijgers , J., Cuerdo del Rio, C., Koopman, H. F. J. M., Keijsers, N. & Sartori, M. support in wheelchairs (scoping review): state-of-the-art and beyond, 564-587. Geers, A. M., Prinsen, E. C., Van Der Pijl, D. J., Bergsma, A., Rietman, J. S. & Koopman, H. F. J. M. the surgical target for optimal implant positioning in robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty, Article 543. Tzanetis, P., Fluit, R., de Souza, K., Robertson, S., Koopman, B. & Verdonschot, N. myoelectric control of wrist/hand motion in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A case study, Article 1100411. Nizamis, K., Ayvaz, A., Rijken, N. H. M., Koopman, B. F. J. M. & Sartori, M. control of self-organizing vascular networks with programmable aptamer-tethered growth factor photopatterning, Article 100551. Rana, D., Padmanaban, P., Becker, M., Stein, F., Leijten, J., Koopman, B. & Rouwkema, J.



Universiteit Twente

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De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

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