Computer Science
- Strategic Adaptation
- Supplementary Material
- Support Student
Social Sciences
- Adaptation
- Behavior
- Negotiation
- Supply Management
- Teaching Methods
Strategic adaptability negotiation training in purchasing and supply management: A multi-method instructional approach (2024)Journal of purchasing and supply management. Article 100968 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Heunis, H., Pulles, N. J., Giebels, E., Kollöffel, B. & Sigurdardottir, A. G. adaptability in negotiation: a framework to distinguish strategic adaptable behaviors (2024)International journal of conflict management, 35(2), 245-269. Heunis, H., Pulles, N. J., Giebels, E., Kollöffel, B. & Sigurdardottir, A. G.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202200278 - Great Negotiators: Negotiation Intro.
- 202200279 - Great Negotiators: Advanced Negotiations
- 202200280 - Great Negotiators: Negotiat. Excellence
- 202400078 - Assignments and Experiments
- 202400101 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 202000569 - Supply Management
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202200278 - Great Negotiators: Negotiation Intro.
- 202200279 - Great Negotiators: Advanced Negotiations
- 202200280 - Great Negotiators: Negotiat. Excellence