- Vertex
- Edge
- Number
- Free Graph
- Order
- Hamiltonian
- Cycles
Computer Science
- Subgraphs
Turán numbers of general star forests in hypergraphs (2025)Discrete mathematics, 348(1). Article 114219. Zhang, L. P., Broersma, H. & Wang, L.
Bounds for the eccentricity spectral radius of join digraphs with a fixed dichromatic number (2024)Discrete applied mathematics, 357, 241-257. Yang, X., Broersma, H. & Wang, L. rates of the bipartite Erdős–Gyárfás function (2024)Journal of graph theory, 107(3), 597-628. Li, X., Broersma, H. & Wang, L.án problems for hypergraphs: avoiding path or star forests (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Zhang, L. conditions for Hamiltonicity of graphs (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Shang, W. Graph Coloring with Predictions (2024)In Combinatorial Optimization: 8th International Symposium, ISCO 2024, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, May 22–24, 2024, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 289-302). Antoniadis, A., Broersma, H. & Meng, Y. complexity of spanning tree problems involving graphical indices (2024)Discrete applied mathematics, 347, 143-154. Dong, Y., Broersma, H., Bai, Y. & Zhang, S. Aα spectral moments of digraphs with a given dichromatic number (2024)Linear algebra and its applications, 685, 77-103. Yang, X., Broersma, H. & Wang, L. skew spectral radius and skew Randić spectral radius of general random oriented graphs (2024)Linear algebra and its applications, 685, 125-137. Hu, D., Broersma, H., Hou, J. & Zhang, S. note on minimum degree, bipartite holes, and hamiltonian properties (2024)Discussiones mathematicae. Graph theory, 44(2), 717-726. Zhou, Q., Broersma, H., Wang, L. & Lu, Y.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191211650 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Project
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta ST
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202001613 - MSc Final Project BIT + CS
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191211650 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Project
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta Software Technology
- 201600017 - Final Project Preparation
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900200 - Final Project EMSYS
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202001613 - MSc Final Project BIT + CS
- 202001614 - MSc Final Project CS + I-Tech
- 202001616 - Research Topics CS + I-TECH
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS

Universiteit Twente
Zilverling (gebouwnr. 11), kamer 3061
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Zilverling 3061
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede