- Coherent Anti-Stokes Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
- Procedure
- Optical Microscopy
- Raman Spectra
- Microscopy
- Detection
- Laser
- Diffraction
- 't Landras, de inheemse donkere bij, Apis Melifera MeliferaBoard member of advocacy organization, volunteer work
- Deventer imker verenigingVolunteer work education beekeeping
Intrinsic CO2 nanobubbles in alkaline aqueous solutions (2024)Colloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 701. Article 134895. Zarei, T., Fuchs, E. C., Agostinho, L. L. F., Gebauer, D., Woisetschläger, J. & Offerhaus, H. L. signal analysis for high-sensitive temperature fiber-optic external Fabry-Perot-cavity sensor (2024)Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 70(5), 1-7. Article 051302. Lozano-Hernandez, T., Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Estudillo-Ayala, J. M., Diaz-Cervantes, E., Alvarez-Chavez, J. A., Sierra-Hernandez, J. M. & Offerhaus, H. L. optical fiber tapering rig (2024)HardwareX, 19. Article e00578. Granados-Zambrano, L. F., Korterik, J. P., Estudillo-Ayala, J. M., Rojas-Laguna, R., Jauregui-Vazquez, D., Offerhaus, H. L. & Alvarez-Chavez, J. A. of Nanoparticles in Drinking Water Using Field-Flow Fractionation Coupled with Multi-Angle Light Scattering and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (2024)Water, 16(17). Article 2419. Zarei, T., Colombo, M. B. A., Fuchs, E. C., Offerhaus, H. L., Gebauer, D. & Agostinho, L. L. F. near-field characterization of coupling between a bus waveguide and a ring resonator (2024)Results in Optics, 16. Article 100695. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P., Chang, L. & Offerhaus, H. L. and evaluation of two parallel computational models for the simulation of a long-haul DWDM system limited by FWM (2024)Concurrency and computation, 36(7). Article e7964. Sánchez-Lara, R., López-Martínez, J. L., Trejo-Sánchez, J. A., Offerhaus, H. L. & Álvarez-Chávez, J. A. optical scanning in the near and far field (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tkachuk, V. scale characterization of on-chip coupling mirrors (2024)Optics express, 32(3), 2972-2981. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P., Chang, L. & Offerhaus, H. L. Simple Cascaded Fiber-Optic Fabry Perot Interferometer System with Vernier Effect for Sensitivity Enhanced Strain Measurements (2024)In 2024 IEEE Sensors, SENSORS 2024 - Conference Proceedings (Proceedings of IEEE Sensors). IEEE. Bharathan, D. C., Wagterveld, R. M. & Offerhaus, H. L.
Quantitative comparison of excitation modes of tuning forks for shear force in probe microscopy (2023)Ultramicroscopy, 253. Article 113772. Tkachuk, V. V., Korterik, J. P. & Offerhaus, H. L.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191211208 - Internship EE
- 191211219 - Master Thesis Project
- 193540900 - CS OS
- 193599010 - Internship
- 193599039 - Master Thesis: Physics Aspects
- 193599089 - Master Thesis: General Aspects
- 201300196 - Klinische Specialisatiestage
- 201600187 - Individual Project
- 201700185 - Internship
- 201800344 - Master's Assignment: Physics Aspects
- 201800345 - Master's Assignment: General Aspects
- 201900223 - Capita Selecta Electrical Engineering
- 201900251 - MSc Assignment: General Aspects AM-AP
- 201900252 - MSc Assignment: Scientific Aspects AM-AP
- 201900281 - Ethical and Cultural Awareness
- 201900318 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: General Aspects
- 201900319 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: Scientific Asp.
- 202000682 - Elektriciteit en Magnetisme
- 202000716 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001162 - Bachelor Thesis EE
- 202001433 - Bacheloropdracht AM-TN
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202200258 - Double Master Thesis: NT-AP
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300116 - Introduction to Electrodynamics
- 202400486 - Ultrasound, Optica en Endoscopie
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191211208 - Internship EE
- 191211219 - Master Thesis Project
- 193540900 - CS OS
- 193599010 - Internship
- 193599039 - Master Thesis: Physics Aspects
- 193599089 - Master Thesis: General Aspects
- 201300196 - Klinische Specialisatiestage
- 201600017 - Final Project Preparation
- 201600187 - Individual Project
- 201700185 - Internship
- 201800344 - Master's Assignment: Physics Aspects
- 201800345 - Master's Assignment: General Aspects
- 201900200 - Final Project EMSYS
- 201900223 - Capita Selecta Electrical Engineering
- 201900251 - MSc Assignment: General Aspects AM-AP
- 201900252 - MSc Assignment: Scientific Aspects AM-AP
- 201900281 - Ethical and Cultural Awareness
- 201900318 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: General Aspects
- 201900319 - MSc Assignment AP-BME: Scientific Asp.
- 202000682 - Elektriciteit en Magnetisme
- 202000716 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001162 - Bachelor Thesis EE
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202200128 - M5 Spijsvertering en endoscopie
- 202200258 - Double Master Thesis: NT-AP
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300116 - Introduction to Electrodynamics

Universiteit Twente
Carré (gebouwnr. 15), kamer C4441
Hallenweg 23
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Carré C4441
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede