Material Science
- Laser
- Laser Ablation
- Surface
- Morphology
- Zinc
- Laser Processing
- Steel
- Pulsed Laser Processing
Data for publication 'Detection of Artificial Seed-like Objects from UAV Imagery' (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Kooistra, L., Bomantara, Y. & Mustafa, H.
Detection of Artificial Seed-like Objects from UAV Imagery (2023)Remote sensing, 15(6). Article 1637. Bomantara, Y. A., Mustafa, H., Bartholomeus, H. & Kooistra, L.
Wavelength dependence of picosecond-pulsed laser ablation of hot-dip galvanized steel (2022)Applied physics A: Materials science and processing, 128. Article 296. Mustafa, H., Matthews, D. T. A. & Römer, G. R. B. E.
Surface carbon enrichment of stainless steel using nanosecond pulsed laser surface alloying of a graphite based coating (2021)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Lasers in Manufacturing 2021. Mustafa, H., Feinaeugle, M. & Römer, G. R. B. E.Method for the Removal of a Coating from a Metal Substrate by Laser Ablation (2021)[Patent › Patent]. Mustafa, H., Matthews, D. T. A., Römer, G. R. B. E. & van der Aa, E.
The role of pulse repetition rate on picosecond pulsed laser processing of Zn and Zn-coated steel (2020)Optics & Laser Technology, 131. Article 106408. Mustafa, H., Matthews, D. T. A. & Römer, G. R. B. E. of the pulse duration at near-infrared wavelengths on the laser-induced material removal of hot-dipped galvanized steel (2020)Journal of laser applications, 32(2). Article 022015. Mustafa, H., Matthews, D. T. A. & Römer, G. R. B. E.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
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Universiteit Twente
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Universiteit Twente
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