
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Exoskeleton
    • Ankle
    • Joint
    • Walking
    • Gait
  • Engineering

    • Joints (Structural Components)
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Robotics
    • Control



  • TuDelftDeeltijd HGL


Robust and versatile control of lower limb exoskeletons. University of Twente. Rampeltshammer, W. F. the adoption of wearable exoskeletons in occupational workspaces: model-based assessment and control of back-support exoskeletons. University of Twente. Moya Esteban, A. the role of intrinsic and reflexive contributions to ankle joint hyper-resistance treated with botulinum toxin-A, Article 19. van 't Veld, R. C., Flux, E., van Oorschot, W., Schouten, A. C., van der Krogt, M. M., van der Kooij, H., Vos-van der Hulst, M., Keijsers, N. L. W. & van Asseldonk, E. H. F. effect of back muscle fatigue on EMG and kinematics based estimation of low-back loads and active moments during manual lifting tasks, Article 102815. Tabasi, A., Brouwer, N. P., Kingma, I., van Dijk, W., de Looze, M. P., Moya-Esteban, A., van der Kooij, H. & van Dieën, J. H. of an Archimedes Drive based actuator for wearable robotics. University of Twente. Zeng, X.Momentum-Based Balance Control of a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton During StanceIn 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Vallinas, A., Keemink, A., Bayon, C., van Asseldonk, E. & van der Kooij, H. and COM Acceleration-Enhanced Reflex Neuromuscular Model to Predict Ankle Responses in Perturbed GaitIn 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). Avanci Gaudio, L., González-Vargas, J., Sartori, M. & van der Kooij, H. Based foot Placement in Stumble RecoveryIn 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2023. IEEE. Eveld, M., Van Der Kooij, H., King, S., Goldfarb, M., Zelik, K. & Van Asseldonk, E. Musculoskeletal Modeling to Estimate Muscle Excitations and Joint Moments at Different Walking Speeds in Individuals with Transtibial AmputationIn 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2023. IEEE. Damonte, F., Durandau, G., Gonzalez-Vargas, J., Van Der Kooij, H. & Sartori, M.


Bekijk ons onderzoek op YouTube

In de pers

Media Coverage: Television & Radio

  1. October 14 2017: The ankle exoskeleton Achilles in Dutch television program “Klaas kan alles” 
  2. January 12 2016: A lot of our research in Dutch popular science program for children het Klokhuis: “Looprobots
  3. September 30, 2013: Mindwalker in Euronews: “Exoskeletons on the March” 
  4. September 25, 1011: Lopes in BBC news: “Robo legs help stroke victim to walk”
  5. October 3, 2011: Lopes in SBS6 Hart van Nederland: “Robot is doorbraak in revalidatie” 
  6. January 12, 2011: Lopes on Reuters: “ Robot legs help stroke survivors to walk again”
  7. April 5, 2011: Lopes in NTR-VPRO program Labyrinth: “De machinemens
  8. November 19, 2008: Lopes in Vara’s Nieuwslicht: “Robot benen helpen mensen sneller op de been

Media Coverage: Newspapers & Magazines, etc

  1. March 3 2018, interviewed for NRC Handelsblad: “Het Exoskelet kan de hindernis baan op
  2. March 2 2018, interview for Tubantia/ AD: “Weer lopen in een exoskelet
  3. July 2017, interviewed for book “hallo robot” from Bennie Mols and Nieske Vergunst
  4. July 2017, interviewed for podcast e-book from Bennie Mols and Karin van den Boogaert
  5. Nov 2014, LOPES II in De Ingenieur,: “Weer leren lopen: robot ontlast fysiotherapeut
  6. Sep 19, 2014, LOPES II in Bits & Chips,: “Looprobot zet stap naar commerciële versie
  7. May 9, 2014,LOPES II in De Gelderlander, , : “Robot leert patiënten in kliniek weer lopen
  8. May 8, 2014, LOPES II op RTLnieuws site,: Looprobot Lopes II is een grote stap vooruit
  9. May 6, 2014, LOPES II op,: “Klinieken zetten nieuwe looprobot in voor revalidatie patienten” 
  10. September 6, 2013: Mindwalker in de Ingenieur: “Exoskelet laat verlamde lopen” 
  11. June 7, 2014: Mindwalker in de New Scientist: “Exoskelet laat verlamde mensen lopen” 
  12. May 30, 2014: Mindwalker in Horizon the EU Research and Innovation Magazine: “Walking again with an exoskeleton” 
  13. September, 2011: Lopes in Fysiopraxis 
  14. February 16,2010: Interview Herman van der Kooij en Wietse van Dijk in Volkskrant: “Hersenen activeren futurtische robotbenen
  15. November 2009 Lopes in Made in Holland: “Rehabilitation robots
  16. October 17, 2009: Lopes in Twentsche Courant Tubantia: “ De robot helpt een handje”
  17. September 29, 2009: Lopes in NRC Hadelsblad: “Therapeut met stalen rug
  18. June 13, 2009: Lopes in de Volkskrant: “Leren omgaan met mensen
  19. February 25, 2009: Promovendus Arno Stienen in Medical facts.
  20. December 16, 2008: Lopes in Metro: “Nieuwe Twentse robot zorgen voor vergaande fysiotherapie”
  21. June 13, 2008: Lopes in Twentsche Courant Tubantie.
  22. Lopes in Technisch weekblad.
  23. July 12, 2007, Jan Veneman’s PhD project in Bits&Chips: “Exoskelet leert lopen”
  24. September 25, 2003: Interview Herman van der Kooij Volkskrant: “Mensen viruteel nabootsen”
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