
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Indonesia
    • Debris
    • Investigation
    • Island
    • Beach
    • Float
    • Coast
  • Social Sciences

    • Islands




Development of autonomous multi-sensor ocean monitoring instrument designed for complex archipelagic waters (2023)International journal of environmental science and technology, 20(10), 11451-11460. Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Valino, D. A., Kang, H. S., Sugianto, E., Martasuganda, M. K., Abimanyu, A., Bratasena, T., Zenyda, K. S., Prayogo, N., Ramdhani, F. & Khan, A. M. A. Controls on Pollution Flows in Coral Reef MPAs (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NCK-days 2023. Faizal, I., Horstman, E. M., Vermeulen, B., Kujawa-Roeleveld, K., Ranasinghe, R. & Wijnberg, K. M. scenic assessment in Pangandaran district, West Java province, Indonesia (2023)Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 46(1), 184-193. Taofiqurohman, A., Zallesa, S. & Faizal, I.


The trajectory of marine debris from Cirebon City Estuary, West Java, Indonesia (2022)AACL Bioflux, 15(5), 2620-2628. Akbar, M. R. A., Junianto, Faizal, I. & Purba, N. P. Control on Marine Debris Spreading around Muara Gembong, Jakarta Bay (2022)Journal of Ecological Engineering, 23(8), 12-20. Faizal, I., Purba, N., Martasuganda, M., Abimanyu, A., Akbar, M. & Sugianto, E. data of marine debris in the Indonesia beaches (2022)Data in brief, 41, 1-8. Article 107871. Faizal, I., Anna, Z., Utami, S. T., Mulyani, P. G. & Purba, N. P. dataset in Bonpies archipelago as remote island in Java Seas, Indonesia (2022)Data in brief, 40, 1-6. Article 107769. Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Syamsuddin, M. L., Wulandari, A., Bratasena, T. & Therie, R. of the pandemic COVID-19 to the Indonesia seas (2022)Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 40(1), 30-36. Ihsan, Y. N., Purba, N. P., Faizal, I., Anya, A., Mulyani, P. G. & Anwar, S. K. vulnerability of Small Islands from Coastlines Change in Indonesia (2022)IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 1095(1). Article 012026. Rahmadi, M. M., Liviawaty, E., Faizal, I., Purba, N. P., Ramadhan, R. A., Amrullah, R. & Dianti, I. E.


Evaluation of a New Integrated Marine Instruments: RHEA (Drifter GPS Oceanography Coverage Area) (2021)IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 925(1). Article 012057. Zenyda, K. S., Subiyanto, Faizal, I., Prayogo, N. & Purba, N. P.



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