Social Sciences
- Urban Areas
- Water
- Quality of Life
- Inequality
- Infrastructure
- Neighborhood
Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Investigation
- Metropolitan Area
Preparing schools for future pandemics: Insights on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene solutions from the Brazilian School Reopening Policies. (2024)International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 257. Article 114325. Mingoti Poague, K. I. H., Blanford, J. I., Martinez, J. & Anthonj, C. and demand of ecosystem services of urban green spaces in deprived areas: Perceptions from Kumasi, Ghana (2024)Environmental science & policy, 156, 1-15. Article 103742. Osei Owusu, R., Martinez, J. & Schwarz, N. quality of life and socio-spatial inequalities (2024)In Social (In)equality, Community Well-being and Quality of Life (pp. 36-48). Edward Elgar. Tonon, G., Martínez, J. & Mikkelsen, C.
The nexus between human well-being of peri-urban communities and ecosystem services: A case study of Panju island, Mumbai metropolitan region, India (2023)Trialog, 145/146, 39-45. Somadas, A., Menon, S. B., Martinez, J. & Atun, F.The datafication of water infrastructure and its implications for (il)legible water consumers (2023)Urban Geography, 44(4), 729-751. Hoefsloot, F. I., Richter, C., Martínez, J. & Pfeffer, K. infrastructure expansion and socio-spatial fragmentation in the peri-urban zone in Accra, Ghana (2023)Cities, 133. Article 104154. Adugbila, E. J., Martinez, J. A. & Pfeffer, K., sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Brazil pre-and peri-COVID-19 pandemic: Are schools making any progress? (2023)International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 247. Article 114069. Mingoti Poague, K. I. H., Blanford, J. I., Martinez, J. & Anthonj, C.
Integrating climate service co-production into spatial planning in Jakarta (2022)International journal of urban sustainable development, 14(1), 225-241. Putra, A. L., Martinez, J. & Verplanke, J. infrastructures for just urban futures: A case of water governance in Lima, Peru (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Hoefsloot, F. I. a nuanced understanding of children's participation and realizing social justice in the urban realm: A case study in the classroom with ethnic minority children (2022)In Social Justice for Children in the South (pp. 97-114) (Evidence-Based Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies; Vol. 9). Springer. AlArasi, H., Martinez, J. & Amer, S.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
Universiteit Twente
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