
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Electrocardiogram
    • Aortic Aneurysm Endovascular Graft
    • Computed Tomography Angiography
    • Aorta
    • Stent
    • Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
    • Follow up
    • Limb




Position- and posture-dependent vascular imaging—a scoping review (2024)European radiology, 34(4), 2334–2351. van Zandwijk, J. K., Simmering, J. A., Schuurmann, R. C. L., Simonis, F. F. J., ten Haken, B., de Vries, J. P. P. M. & Geelkerken, R. H.


Geometrical Changes of the Aorta as Predictors for Thromboembolic Events After EVAR With the Anaconda Stent-Graft (2023)Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 30(6), 904-919. Simmering, J. A., de Vries, M., Haalboom, M., Reijnen, M. M. P. J., Slump, C. H. & Geelkerken, R. H. and Visceral Artery Configuration During the First Year of Follow-Up After Fenestrated Aortic Aneurysm Repair Using the Anaconda Stent-graft: A Prospective Longitudinal Multicenter Study With ECG-Gated CTA Scans (2023)Journal of Endovascular Therapy (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Simmering, J. A., Koenrades, M. A., Slump, C. H., Jebbink, E. G., Zeebregts, C. J., Reijnen, M. M. P. J. & Geelkerken, R. H. Vivo Quantification of Cardiac-Pulsatility-Induced Motion Before and After Double-Branched Endovascular Aortic Arch Repair (2023)Journal of Endovascular Therapy, 30(4), 510-519. Simmering, J. A., Leeuwerke, S. J. G., Meerwaldt, R., Zeebregts, C. J., Slump, C. H. & Geelkerken, R. H. Repair of the Aorta: Stentgraft Deformation Matters (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Simmering, J. A. in Cardiac-Pulsatility-Induced Displacement and Geometry Changes between the Cook ZBIS and Gore IBE: Postoperative Comparison Using ECG-Gated CTA Scans (2023)Diagnostics, 13(3). Article 496. Simmering, J. A., van Helvert, M., van Herwaarden, J. A., Slump, C. H., Geelkerken, R. H. & Reijnen, M. M. P. J. influence of electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography reconstruction into 8 or 10 cardiac phases on cardiac-pulsatility-induced motion quantification of stent grafts in the aorta (2023)JVS-Vascular Science, 4. Article 100131. Simmering, J. A., Zagers, D. A., Geelkerken, R. H., Kuipers, H., te Riet o.g. Scholten, G. A., Reijnen, M. M. P. J. & Slump, C. H.


Evaluation of electrocardiogram-gated computed tomography angiography to quantify changes in geometry and dynamic behavior of the iliac artery after placement of the Gore Excluder Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis (2022)The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 63(4), 454-463. van Helvert, M., Simmering, J. A., Koenrades, M. A., Slump, C. H., Heyligers, J. M., Geelkerken, R. H. & Reijnen, M. M. influencing endoscopic estimation of colon polyp size in a colon model (2022)Clinical Endoscopy, 55(4), 540-548. Beukema, K. R., Simmering, J. A., Brusse-Keizer, M., John, S., Quispel, R. & Mensink, P. B.



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