
  • Chemistry

    • Concentration
    • Surface
    • Procedure
    • Electric Field
    • Reaction Temperature
    • Bubble
  • Physics

    • Ion
    • Electric Fields



Diffusiophoresis in Polymer and Nanoparticle Gradients, 5874-5887. Akdeniz, B., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H. Localized Metal–Organic Framework Synthesis on Anion Exchange Membranes, 31703-31708. Wiegerinck, H. T. M., Demirel, Ö. H., Zwijnenberg, H. J., van der Meer, T., Rijnaarts, T., Wood, J. A. & Benes, N. E. current density for diffusion-controlled stability of electrolytic surface nanobubbles, Article e2321958121, e2321958121. Zhang, Y., Zhu, X., Wood, J. A. & Lohse, D. and mix: Making use of electrokinetic aspects of spacers for intensified electrodialysis, Article 117401. Paul, A. M. S., Atasi, O., Lammertink, R. G. H. & Wood, J. A. Enhancement of Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution through Coalescence-Induced Bubble Dynamics, 10177-10186. Bashkatov, A., Park, S., Demirkır, Ç., Wood, J. A., Koper, M. T. M., Lohse, D. & Krug, D. Behavior of Polyelectrolyte-Coated Particles, 5934-5944. Akdeniz, B., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H. hybrid process combining ion exchange resin and bipolar membrane electrodialysis for reverse osmosis remineralization, Article 117209. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & van der Meer, W. G. J. conversion using diffusio-osmosis from patterned catalytic surfaces (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Visan, A., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H. in Gradients Combining Diffusiophoresis and Diffusio-osmosis. University of Twente. Akdeniz, B.
A hybrid ion exchange resin - bipolar membrane electrodialysis process for reverse osmosis permeate remineralization. University of Twente. Abusultan, A. A. the boundaries: Enhancing ion transport with electrokinetics. University of Twente. Paul, A. M. S. exchange resin – Bipolar membrane electrodialysis hybrid process for reverse osmosis permeate Remineralization: Preparative ion exchange chromatography for Ca2+ and Mg2+ recovery, Article 123799. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & Meer, W. G. J. v. d. exchange resin – Bipolar membrane electrodialysis hybrid process for reverse osmosis permeate remineralization: Cation exchange resins equilibria and kinetics, Article 123798. Abusultan, A. A. M., Wood, J. A., Sainio, T., Kemperman, A. J. B. & Meer, W. G. J. v. d. characterization and modelling of Donnan dialysis for ammonium recovery from aqueous solutions, Article 121496. Zwijnenberg, H. J., Elozeiri, A. A. E., Grooth, J. d., Meer, W. G. J. v. d. & Wood, J. A. of Charge Regulation on the Performance of Shock Electrodialysis. Wiegerinck, H. T. M., Kersten, R. & Wood, J. A. and Diffusio-osmosis into a Dead-End Channel: Role of the Concentration-Dependence of Zeta Potential, 2322-2332. Akdeniz, B., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023


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