
  • Psychology

    • Self-Compassion
    • Wellbeing
    • Mixed Methods
    • Evaluation
    • Patient with Cancer
  • Computer Science

    • Participatory Design
    • User
  • Social Sciences

    • Design




Regaining Mental Well-Being in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic with a Digital Multicomponent Positive Psychology Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2024)Journal of happiness studies, 25(7). Article 86. Tönis, K. J. M., Kraiss, J. T., Drossaert, C. H. C., Karreman, J., Oostinga, M. S. D., Kloos, N., Austin, J. & Bohlmeijer, E. T.


Compas-Y: A mixed methods pilot evaluation of a mobile self-compassion training for people with newly diagnosed cancer (2023)Digital Health, 9. Austin, J., Schroevers, M. J., Van Dijk, J., Sanderman, R., Børøsund, E., Wymenga, A. M. N., Bohlmeijer, E. T. & Drossaert, C. H. C. as a Resource of Resilience (2023)In Handbook of Self-Compassion: Mindfulness in Behavioral Health (pp. 165-182). Springer Nature. Austin, J., Drossaert, S. C. H. C. & Bohlmeijer, E. T. in turbulent times: The co-design and mixed methods evaluation of a mobile self-compassion intervention for people with cancer (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Austin, J.


Appreciating the Good Things in Life During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Evaluation of a Gratitude App (2022)Journal of happiness studies, 23(8), 4001-4025. Kloos, N., Austin, J., van 't Klooster, J.-W. J. R., Drossaert, C. & Bohlmeijer, E. top-down and bottom-up requirements in eHealth development: The case of a mobile self-compassion intervention for people with newly diagnosed cancer (2022)JMIR cancer, 8(3). Article e37502. Austin, J., Drossaert, C. H. C., Dijk, J. v., Sanderman, R., Børøsund, E., Mirkovic, J., Schotanus-Dijkstra, M., Peeters, N. J., Klooster, J.-W. J. R. V. '., Schroevers, M. J. & Bohlmeijer, E. T.


Experiences of Self-Criticism and Self-Compassion in People Diagnosed With Cancer: A Multimethod Qualitative Study (2021)Frontiers in psychology, 12. Article 737725. Austin, J., Drossaert, C. H. C., Sanderman, R., Schroevers, M. J. & Bohlmeijer, E. T. evidence in the booming field of online mindfulness: An updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2021)JMIR mental health, 8(7). Article e28168. Sommers-Spijkerman, M., Austin, J., Bohlmeijer, E. & Pots, W. of a gratitude app to support people struggling with the COVID-19 crisis (+ Demonstration) (2021)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Researchers in Psychology and Health (ARPH) 2021. Kloos, N., Austin, J., Drossaert, S., Kraiss, J., Watkins, P., Schotanus-Dijkstra, M. & Bohlmeijer, E.Compassion-based interventions for people with long-term physical conditions: a mixed methods systematic review (2021)Psychology & health, 36(1), 16-42. Austin, J., Drossaert, C. H. C., Schroevers, M. J., Sanderman, R., Kirby, J. N. & Bohlmeijer, E. T.


Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024


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