
prof.dr. J.C.J. Kwadijk (Jaap)


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Engineering & Materials Science
Sea Level
Social Sciences
Climate Change
Flood Protection
Natural Disaster
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Climate Change


Athanasiou, P. (2022). Assessing coastal erosion hazards at large spatial scales: Insights and uncertainties. [PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT, University of Twente]. University of Twente. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036554282
Haasnoot, M. , Kwadijk, J., van Alphen, J., Le Bars, D., van den Hurk, B., Diermanse, F., van der Spek, A., Oude Essink, G., Delsman, J. , & Mens, M. (2020). Adaptation to uncertain sea-level rise; how uncertainty in Antarctic mass-loss impacts the coastal adaptation strategy of the Netherlands. Environmental research letters, 15(3), Article 034007. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab666c
Zorigt, M., Myagmar, K., Orkhonselenge, A. , van Beek, E. , Kwadijk, J., Tsogtbayar, J., Yamkhin, J., & Dechinlkhundev, D. (2020). Modeling permafrost distribution over the river basins of Mongolia using remote sensing and analytical approaches. Environmental earth sciences, 79(12), Article 308. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-09055-7
Athanasiou, P., van Dongeren, A., Giardino, A., Vousdoukas, M. I. , Ranasinghe, R. , & Kwadijk, J. (2020). Uncertainties in projections of sandy beach erosion due to sea level rise: an analysis at the European scale. Scientific reports, 10(1), Article 11895. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68576-0
Kwadijk, J. (2019). Learning from nature-based solution. In A. Luijendijk, & A. van Oudenhoven (Eds.), The Sand Motor: A Nature-based Response to Climate Change (pp. 188-189). Delft University Press.
Brink van den , N. , Booij, M. J., Bouaziz, L., Hegnauer, M. , & Kwadijk, J. C. J. (2019). Effect of hydrological model structures on extreme high discharge simulations. Abstract from 27th IUGG General Assembly 2019, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

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