I like to solve societal problems through a scientific engineering approach, by combining relevant fundamental insights with the bigger picture. I'm a good communicator in writing, presenting and discussing. I obtained both my bachelor's and master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Twente, specializing in Chemical & Process Engineering. My special interests and strengths are in (membrane) process design, transport phenomena, numerical modeling and techno-economic analyses. 


  • Chemistry

    • Reaction Temperature
    • Acrylic Acid
    • Allyl Alcohol
    • Glycol
    • Lactic Acid
    • Nanochannel
    • Propene
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Temperature Gradient


The presence of so-called organic micro-pollutants (OMPs) in our surface water leads to growing awareness and concern. OMPs are very small organic molecules, stemming from medicinal or industrial origin that have the potential to cause long-term harm to humans and the environment. Municipal wastewater treatment plants are considered a hotspot for the release of OMPs into the environment as most OMPs end up in our wastewater, while our wastewater treatment plants were never designed for their removal. Techniques to remove these OMPs from the wastewater effluent are available, but are too costly, energy-intensive and unsustainable. I work together with academia, knowledge institutes and industry to develop an affordable and sustainable technology to remove OMPs from wastewater effluents. Together with two other PhD's, a novel nanofiltration membrane will be developed that discharges very clean effluent, while an OMP concentrate is further degraded in a conventional bioreactor. My focus is on relevant transport phenomena and the overall process design.


Process Designs for Converting Propylene Glycol to Acrylic Acid via Lactic Acid and Allyl Alcohol, 1183-1192. Buitelaar, M. M., van Daatselaar, E., van Teijlingen, D. G., Stokvis, H. I., Wendt, J. D., De Sousa Ribeiro, R. J., Brooks, A. M. M., Kamphuis, E. C., Lopez Montoya, S., van Putten, J. C., van der Ham, A. G. J., van den Berg, H. & Lange, J. P.https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.9b04334


Nieuws op utwente.nl

Hans David Wendt wins Unilever Research Prize: https://www.utwente.nl/en/tnw/news/2020/11/879841/hans-david-wendt-wins-unilever-research-prize


Universiteit Twente

Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer ME346
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7522 LW Enschede

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