- Membrane
- Nanofiltration Membrane
- Hollow Fibre
- Applications
- Models
- Water
- Nanofiltration
- Layer Separation
Dataset underlying the publication: Going from Inner-Skinned to Outer-Skinned Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Based Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes (2025)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Watt, T., de Grooth, J., te Brinke, E. & van Dijk, K.
Going from Inner-Skinned to Outer-Skinned Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Based Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes (2024)Advanced Materials Technologies. Article 2401832 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Watt, T. R., van Dijk, K., te Brinke, E., de Grooth, J. & de Vos, W. M. the balance between nanofiltration and oxidation to remove organic micropollutants from wastewater treatment plant effluent (2024)Journal of environmental chemical engineering, 12(4). Article 112997. Wendt, H. D., Yaltur, I. S., Reurink, D. M., Thege, C., Kormelinck, K. G. & de Grooth, J. of Greywater to Remove Micropollutants (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Rutten, S. B.
Evaluation of Membrane Integrity Monitoring Methods for Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes: Applicability in Gray Water Reclamation Systems (2023)ACS Environmental Science and Technology Water, 3(12), 3884-3892. Rutten, S. B., Ojobe, B. L., Hernández Leal, L., de Grooth, J., Roesink, H. D. W., Bartacek, J. & Schmitt, H. polyelectrolyte multilayer nanofiltration membranes: Structural characterisation via transport phenomena (2023)Journal of membrane science, 681. Article 121718. Junker, M. A., te Brinke, E., Vall Compte, C. M., Lammertink, R. G. H., de Grooth, J. & de Vos, W. M. of an Intermediate Polyelectrolyte Layer for Improved Interfacial Polymerization on PAI Hollow Fiber Membranes (2023)Membranes, 13(8). Article 741. Restrepo, M. A., Mohammadifakhr, M., Kamp, J., Trzaskus, K., Kemperman, A. J. B., de Grooth, J., Roesink, H. D. W., Roth, H. & Wessling, M. of dominant salts on the removal of trace micropollutants by hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes (2023)Journal of membrane science, 678. Article 121625. Rutten, S. B., Junker, M. A., Leal, L. H., de Vos, W. M., Lammertink, R. G. H. & de Grooth, J. through polyelectrolyte multilayer based membranes for nanofiltration (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Junker, M. A. caused by adsorption of organic micropollutants (MPs) on PES@CoFe2O4 polymeric ultrafiltration membranes and the enhanced MPs degradation by a continuous pH regulation (2023)Separation and purification technology, 316. Article 123663. Wang, T., Faria Albanese, J. A., de Vos, W. M. & de Grooth, J.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 193735000 - C.S. Membrane Technology
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202001528 - Master Thesis DD Parma
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE

Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer ME313
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex ME313
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede